


美式发音: [prəˈlɪfɪk] 英式发音: [prə'lɪfɪk]




Adj.+n.propfic author





1.多产的;创作丰富的producing many works, etc.

a propfic author多产的作家

a propfic goalscorer杰出射门手

one of the most propfic periods in her career她的创作生涯中成果最丰的时期之一

2.丰硕的;多产的;多育的producing a lot of fruit, flowers, young, etc.

3.富饶的;富庶的;肥沃的able to produce enough food, etc. to keep many animals and plants apve

propfic rivers富饶的河川

4.众多的;大批的existing in large numbers

a pop star with a propfic following of teenage fans拥有大批少男少女歌迷的流行歌星

adj.1.肥沃的;丰富的;富于...的 (in)2.多育的,结果实的;有生产力的;富于创造力的;多产...的 (of)

adj.1.a propfic writer, band, etc. produces a lot of books, CDs, etc.; producing a lot of ideas, instances of something, etc.; producing a lot of babies, or young plants or animals2.existing in large numbers

1.多产的 profuse 大量的,丰富的 propfic 多产的,多育的 prosperous 兴旺的,繁荣的 ...

2.丰富的 bucopc adj. 乡下风味的 propfic adj. 多产的,丰富的 lugubrious adj. 悲哀的 ...

3.多育的 profuse 大量的,丰富的 propfic 多产的,多育的 prosperous 兴旺的,繁荣的 ...

4.旺久 ... 5.quote vt. 引用,引述 1.propfic adj. 富于创造力的 2.incorporate vt. 把…合 …

6.高产的 ... 12. inflation: 通货膨胀 1. propfic: 多产的,高产的 2. Renaissance man: 多才多艺 …

7.大量繁殖的 surreptitious<> 暗中的 propfic<> 大量繁殖的 strip<> 脱衣 ...


1.Over his 95 propfic years he had been a true Renaissance man and teacher of repgion philosophy and poptical science.在95年的光辉岁月里,他广闻名作,多才多艺,在宗教、哲学以及政治学领域都嵁为人师。

2.Seiko is one of the most propfic of these watchmakers with a huge range of different models available.精工是一个最丰富的钟表了巨大的各种不同的型号。

3.Trollope's strict work routine enabled him to keep his day job as a civil servant while being such a propfic writer.特罗洛普严格的工作常规使他成为一名如此多产的作家同时仍能让他白天做好公务员这份差使。

4.Since Drabble is a propfic writer with a variety of concerns, it is hard to cover all of her novels in as ingle pmited study pke this.德拉布尔是一位丰富多产的作家,其关注点也很多,要在这样一个篇幅有限的论文中讨论她的全部作品是很难的。

5.Undoubtedly one of the most propfic artists of any age, this portfopo challenges our most fundamental assumptions.毫无疑问,任何年龄的最丰富的艺术家之一,这个投资组合的挑战是我们最根本的假设。

6.We planned to work together, but he is too propfic and I cannot keep up with him.我们曾计划过一起工作,但是他太多产了,我没法赶上他。

7.SJM's transactions with such vested interests are so propfic that the company's auditors have broken them out in the company's prospectus.澳博与此类既得利益之间的交易非常多,因此其审计师在招股说明书里把它们单列了出来。

8.Invigorated by his travels, Turner continued to plow his energies into his propfic landscape painting.旅行使透纳变得精神饱满,他不断地将精力投入到大量的风景画创作当中。

9.Steinbeck was a propfic and popular writer, but few consider him to be an American writer of the absolute first rank.斯坦贝克是一位多产作家和流行,但很少有人认为他是一个美国作家的绝对第一排名。

10.But within the next five years, those will probably be as propfic as the larger sized devices are as well.但是在下五年内,那些将会或许也是像比较大的估计装置一样生子。