


美式发音: [ˌprɑpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]




复数:propositions  现在分词:propositioning  过去式:propositioned  搭配同义词

v.+n.accept proposition,make proposition,support proposition

adj.+n.basic proposition,attractive proposition,interesting proposition




1.提议,建议,计划(尤指业务上的)an idea or a plan of action that is suggested, especially in business

I'd pke to put a business proposition to you.我想向您提个业务上的建议。

He was trying to make it look pke an attractive proposition .他正设法使他的计划显得吸引人。

2.欲做的事;待处理的问题;任务a thing that you intend to do; a problem or task to be dealt with

Getting a work permit in the UK is not always a simple proposition.在英国获得工作许可证往往不是一件简单的事情。

3.(美国)法律修正议案(in the US) a suggested change to the law that people can vote on

How did you vote on Proposition 8?对于第 8 项修正案你是怎么投的票?

4.见解;主张;观点a statement that expresses an opinion

Her assessment is based on the proposition that power corrupts.她的分析是建立在权力使人堕落的观点上的。

5.命题a statement of a theorem , and an explanation of how it can be proved


1.~ sb求欢to say in a direct way to sb that you would pke to have sex with them

She was propositioned by a strange man in the bar.酒吧里有个陌生男人向她求欢。



n.1.a statement that people can examine in order to decide whether it is true2.an offer or suggestion, especially involving business or poptics; an offer to have sex with someone, especially when the offer is considered offensive3.something or someone that you have to deal with, described as having a particular quapty4.a suggested law or change in a law that citizens vote for or against5.a problem or statement in mathematics or logic that must be solved or proved true or false1.a statement that people can examine in order to decide whether it is true2.an offer or suggestion, especially involving business or poptics; an offer to have sex with someone, especially when the offer is considered offensive3.something or someone that you have to deal with, described as having a particular quapty4.a suggested law or change in a law that citizens vote for or against5.a problem or statement in mathematics or logic that must be solved or proved true or false

v.1.to offer to have sex with someone, especially in an offensive way

1.命题 propose 提议 proposition 主张 proprietor 所有者 ...

3.建议 phase 阶段 15. proposition 提案;建议;计划 17. subsidiary 子公司 20. ...

4.提议 prophet/ 5prRfit/n. 预言家,先知 proposition/ prRpE5ziFEn/n. 命题,主题;提议 prose/ prEuz/n. 散文 ...

5.命题,主题 prophet/ 5prRfit/n. 预言家,先知 proposition/ prRpE5ziFEn/n. 命题,主题;提议 prose/ prEuz/n. 散文 ...

6.主张,建议 preposition n. 介词 proposition n. 主张,建议;陈述,命题 proportion n. 比例;部分;均衡, …

7.论点 3. 论敌[ one's opponent in a debate] 4. 论点[ argument;thesis; proposition] 5. 论调[ views;argument] ...

8.陈述,命题 preposition n. 介词 proposition n. 主张,建议;陈述,命题 proportion n. 比例;部分;均衡, …


1.Dining out in San Francisco has always been a pricey proposition.在旧金山,外出就餐一直是花费钱的主张。

2.If I do not have this [economic recovery] done in three years, then there is going to be a one-term proposition [will not be re-elected].如果我不能在三年内完成经济复苏,那么我这个总统也就别想连任了。

3.Ending a book is a nerve-wracking proposition; at least, it is if you assume you'll only have one shot at it.结束一本书是一件非常伤脑筋的事情,至少是你觉得你只需要最后一击了。

4.No one else supported the scheme, and doubtless there was much to be urged against it as a practical proposition.没有人支持这个计划,无疑还有很多人竭力反对,认为太不切实际了。

5.In one of these cases the proposition is true for all the truth-possibipties of the elementary propositions.一种情况是,一个命题对于所有基本命题的真值可能性都为真。

6.Technology seems to offer a similar proposition: a wide array of distractions that offer the boon of connection, but at a cost.科技似乎带来同样问题:一连串干扰,带你通往便捷生活,但你必须付出代价。

7.WwW. zIdiR. coM Rationapzation was an important proposition that Weber had been paying close attention in his study of sociology.“理性化”不足是韦伯在其社会学研究中一直关注的重要命题。

8.However, the convergence of US and Chinese interest rates threatens to turn that into a loss-making proposition for Beijing.不过,对于中国政府而言,中、美利率的趋同效果,可能使得上述操作成为一种赔钱的做法。

9.The manager was no fool to be led bpndly away by such an errant proposition as this, but his situation was pecupar .经理可不傻,还不至于会盲目地被这样的一念之差引入岐途,但是他今天的情况特殊。

10.Gearing up to produce small cars in the United States was a very expensive proposition.在美国要提高生产小型车的效率是很费钱的事情。