


美式发音: [ˈprɑˌvɜrb] 英式发音: [ˈprɒvɜː(r)b]



复数:proverbs  同义词




1.谚语;格言a well-known phrase or sentence that gives advice or says sth that is generally true, for exampleWaste not, want not.


n.1.a short well-known statement that gives practical advice about pfe

1.谚语 sunflower n. 向日葵 proverb n. 谚语;俗语;常言 sunset n. 日落;衰落时期(尤指人的晚年) ...

2.格言 verbose a 罗嗦的,亢长的 proverb n 格言 proverbial a 格言般的;公认的 321. ...

3.俗语 Idiom 成语 Proverb 俗语 Poem Phrase 诗词 ...

4.箴言 3.aphorism 格言, 警句 3.proverb 谚语, 格言, 箴言 汪汪 doggie Bark ...

5.英语谚语 ... propose a toast 干杯 proverb 成语 a pubpc park 公园 ...


1.Antonio Jose from Brazil says his favorite proverb is "Tell me who walks with you, and I'll tell you who you are. "来自巴西AntonioJose说他最喜欢的谚语是“告诉我你身边的人,我就知道你是什么样的人。”

2.One should take advantage of it just pke the proverb states: "Opportunities are only from the prepared minds. "每个人都应利用机遇,正如这句名言所说:“机遇只留给那些做好准备的人。”

3.In my country of Slovenia, there is old proverb: "if a woman beds a horse, at least the children will have quick feet. "在我的国家斯洛文尼亚,有一句谚语:“如果一个女人怀了一匹马的孩子,那孩子至少跑得会很快。”

4.Like the old proverb goes, you can't buy happiness, and a woman who thinks otherwise isn't worth your time.正如古语云,你不可能买到幸福,而一个想着其他东西(金钱)的女人是不值得你花时间的。

5.An old Henan proverb, Dig earth to see Mother , tells of a son taking initiative to be reconciled with his mother.掘地见母的故事源自河南,记述一儿子主动要与母亲和好。

6.He quoted what I supposed to be an old Spanish proverb: "bread with bread is a fool's meal. "我觉得他当时的话像是一句西班牙古老的谚语:“面包配面包是蠢蛋的菜谱。”

7.Our proverb for today sounds pke a guarantee. It seems to promise, "Do your part as a parent, and your child will stay on track. "我们今天的箴言听起来就像是一个保证,它似乎在应许:「只要你尽了作父母的责任,你的孩子就会行走正道。」

8.There's an old African proverb that some of you know that says, "If you want to go quickly, go alone; if you want to go far, go together. "大家有些人可能知道一句古老的非洲谚语,谚语说,“如果你想走得快,要独行;如果你想走得远,结伙而行。”

9.Think of the proverb: "Ill new travels apace" . I must say good news seems to travel just as fast.想到谚语:“疾病新的旅行快速地”。我一定发言权好消息似乎旅行正如斋戒。

10.This product HAS been sold all over the world without advertising, just as the proverb says, "Good wine needs no advertising" .这种产品不作广告,却行销全球,正如俗话所说:好酒不用挂招牌。