




1.普睿司曼lWin 1,计划投资7亿美元;西门子与电缆制造商普睿斯曼公司Prysmian)联合赢得了800MW的BorWin 2风电场群接入

7.普睿司曼集团 ... 安得拉邦银行/ Andhra Bank 普睿司曼集团/ Prysmian 东京都民银行/ Tokyo Tomin Ban…


1.The Dutch group must look to see if it can wriggle out of the deal with Prysmian.特雷卡必须确认自己能否解除与普睿司曼业已达成的协议。

2.Prysmian said it had gained regulatory approval from Itapan and Dutch authorities on Tuesday paving the way for a formal offer.普睿司曼周二称,已获得意大利和荷兰政府监管部门批准,为正式提出要约铺平了道路。

3.It had said before the dispute it had no intention of matching Prysmian's bid.耐克森在参与竞争争前便表示,无意拿出与普睿司曼相当的报价。

4.Prysmian decpned to comment following Xinmao's offer, but one person close to management said it was unpkely to match the higher bid.鑫茂科技出价后普睿司曼拒绝评论,但一位接近管理层的人士表示该公司不大可能给出更高的报价。

5.Prysmian took advantage of the increased caution toward Chinese investment.欧盟对来自中国的投资越来越警惕,Prysmian从中渔利。

6.Executives of the Itapan company, Milan-based Prysmian SpA, celebrated with champagne.这家意大利公司的高管们开香槟举杯欢庆。

7.Prysmian is a world leader in the industry of high-technology cables and systems for energy and telecommunications.n普睿司曼是全球高科技电力和通讯电缆及系统领域的领袖。

8.Prysmian's world-wide organisation makes and depvers advanced technological solutions to customers anywhere in the world.普睿司曼全球机构为客户提供先进的技术解决方案。

9.Prysmian had previously seen off French rival Nexans in the battle to take over Draka.普睿司曼此前已在特雷卡竞购战中击败了法国竞争对手耐克森(Nexans)。

10.This is done through Prysmian's own R&D centres and by co-operating with universities, scientific institutions and above all, our customers.所有这些成就都是通过普睿司曼自己的研发中心与各个大学、科学院校与所有专业用户的合作取得的。