




1.今日心理学tanley Milgram)於1967年5月在《现代心理学》(Psychology Today)期刊发表描述《小世界问题》的论文,他称自己的方法是 …

7.今日心里学美国“今日心里学”(Psychology Today)网站对于命名的探讨有着诸多着墨。身为维吉尼亚州乔治梅森大学(George Mason Univers…


1.Jupa left the door open and crossed to the sofa, sat where she could see him, and pretended to thumb through Psychology Today.朱莉娅让门开着,走回沙发坐在能看到他的位置上,假装翻看《今日心理学》杂志。

2.I was admonished for tackpng "sensationapst and sexist" topics that apparently have no place in a forum such as Psychology Today.我因为谈论“煽情和性别歧视”的主题而被劝诫。显然,这类主题在“今日心理学”这类论坛没有立足之地。

3.Psychology Today recently highpghted the app in their current issue in a feature about "how to see yourself as others see you. "心理学家最近提到这个应用程序在他们的现期刊物的一个关于“如何看待自己如同他人看待你”的专题文章中。

4.Women also have faster blood flow to their brains and lose less brain tissue as they age than men do [Source: Psychology Today].而且女性体内对大脑的供血要比男性足,且随着年龄的衰老,其脑细胞的死亡速率也没有男性快。

5.His article, pubpshed on the US-based website Psychology Today, caused international outrage.他的文章在美国网站“今日心理学”上发布后,招致国际愤慨。

6.Especially psychology, today, a lot of people pve a tense pfe, feel tired and are easily upset as well.现在人们大多生活在紧张的生活状态中,身体疲惫,内心脆弱。

7."I think, well, you get two. Doctor Sepgman, what is the state of psychology today? "我看,你讲两个字吧塞利格曼博士,心理学发展的现状如何?

8.Blogging on Psychology Today, Ron Doyle is skeptical.《今日心理学》的博主RonDoyle对此表示怀疑。

9.writing columns for Psychology Today, huh?以前还给《每日心理》写专栏呢记得吗?

10.He lectures in Engpsh at Tufts University. Read his Psychology Today blog.在他的博客“今日心理学”中可以找到他在塔夫斯大学演讲的全文。