


美式发音: [ˌpi ti ˈeɪ] 英式发音: [ˌpiː tiː ˈeɪ]

abbr.〈美(=Parent-Teacher Association)学生家长和教师联谊会

英文单词:精对苯二甲酸(Pure Terephthalic Acid);凝血酶原活动度;经皮腔内血管成形术(percutaneous transluminal angioplasty)




1.家长教师联谊会,家长教师会(全写为 parent-teacher association)the abbreviation for‘parent-teacher association’ (a group run by parents and teachers in a school that organizes social events and helps the school in different ways)

abbr.1.〈美〉(=Parent-Teacher Association)学生家长和教师联谊会

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Parent-Teacher Association)

n.1.Parent-Teacher Association: an organization of parents and teachers that works to improve their school, usually by organizing events to raise money

1.精对苯二甲酸(Pure Terephthalic Acid)精对苯二甲酸精对苯二甲酸(PTA)行业 (2009年01月01日00:00,27)[查看全文] 磷肥行业清洁生产评价指标体系(试行) (2007年0…

2.凝血酶原活动度当凝血酶原活动度PTA)小于40%时需要补充新鲜冰冻血浆或凝血酶原复合物和纤维蛋白原。血浆置换用于治疗凝血障碍, …

3.经皮腔内血管成形术(percutaneous transluminal angioplasty)(1)经皮腔内血管成形术(PTA):单个或多处短段狭窄者,可经皮穿刺插入带球囊导管至动脉狭窄段,然后用适当压力使球囊膨胀…

4.纯对苯二甲酸(Purified Terephthalic Acid)由于纯对苯二甲酸PTA)等石化衍生产品的供应量充足,印尼的合成纤维生产商有实力满足全球纺织业对涤纶和人造纤维等 …

5.家长教师协会(Parent-Teacher Association)同年家长教师协会PTA)的全国调查表明家长们也很同意这一点 95 %的被调查家长表示喜欢家长参与的书面联系形式,因为 …


1.Please call governments, everybody, to ask government to take action to stop SMIC School. Call School's PTA as well.请大家积极打电话给政府(教育局、物价局和财政局),请政府出面制止学校的疯狂举动。同时致电学校PTA。

2.Crude oil continued to go on Friday, American cotton plunged, short-term PTA were expected to rally continuing turbulence.上周五原油继续攀高,美棉大跌,预计短期PTA将延续震荡反弹行情。

3.Why, the parents at Marin and Cornell elementary schools wondered, is the PTA at Ocean View trying to keep our kids down?为什么,在马林和康奈尔小学的家长不知道,是在海景家长试图让我们的孩子呢?

4.PTA gateway oscillation will continue in the short term in Yuan, but the potential of the medium and long term decrease did not finish.PTA短期内将继续在万元关口振荡,但中长期下跌之势未完。

5.Getting blacklisted from the PTA is one of the easiest ways to recoup some of your precious time.被家庭教师协会列入黑名单也许是你收回你宝贵时间的最简单的方式。

6.PTA afternoon there was a slight rebound, but is still not back to fill empty gaps, weaker still.PTA午后略有回升,但仍未回补跳空缺口,弱势依然。

7.PTA futures short-term rally of interpretation, is still not out of the weak pattern of the middle.PTA期货短期演绎反弹行情,中线仍未摆脱弱势格局。

8.Teresa Meyer, a former PTA president at Hickman High in Columbia, Mo. , has just sent the youngest of her three daughters to college.特里萨梅耶,密苏里州哥伦比亚希克曼高中前任家长-教师协会主席,有三个女儿,不久前刚将三女儿送入大学。

9.In this case, PTA although in production season but the price has no traction.在这种情况下,PTA虽然处于生产淡季但价格却无上行动力。

10.Conclusion: Local intravascular thrombolysis combined PTA may be an alternative therapy for acute middle cerebral artery occlusion.结论:局部动脉内溶栓和PTA结合可能是治疗急性大脑中动脉闭塞的有效方法。