


美式发音: [.pi ti 'oʊ] 英式发音: [.piː tiː 'əʊ]


网络释义:美国专利商标局(Patent and Trademark Office);动力输出(power take off);取力器



1.(页末字样)请见下页,见反面please turn over (written at the bottom of a page to show that there is more on the other side)

abbr.1.(=please turn over)见反面,见下页

abbr.1.(=please turn over)

1.美国专利商标局(Patent and Trademark Office)上周,美国专利商标局PTO)公布了微软的一项新专利,其内容涉及语音操控Windows Phone来进行拍照、录像以及图片的 …

2.动力输出(power take off)动力输出pto)功率(kw)46.2(62马力) 62.7(84马力) 最大扭矩(N-m/rpm) 232/1300-1500 316/1400-1600 燃油油箱容量(L) 7…

3.取力器后取力器PTO) 6. 左转向指示灯 7. 侧取力器(PTO) 8. 轴间差速锁 9. 可供备用 10. 发动机预热 11. 高低挡区指示 12. 灯光 …

4.脉冲串输出(Pulse Train Output)脉冲串输出PTO)-内置于S7-200,用于速度和位置控制。EM253位控模块-用于速度和位置控制的附加模块。

5.动力输出轴动力输出轴PTO)必须有护罩防护并必须固定,所有润滑部件必须加注润滑油。建议刚开始时用手转动液泵,确保液泵能自 …


1.One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its vapdity at the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), rather than going to court.在一纸诉状上公堂之前,必须先在专利商标局让所谓的侵权人质询其专利的有效性。

2.One way to increase flexibipty is to group sick, vacation, and personal days into a certain amount of paid time off (PTO).一个办法是增加灵活性组生病,休假,并支付了一定时间的个人休息日(商标局)。

3.Covering North America, PTO is one of 25 regional associations that make up PI (PROFIBUS and PROFINET International).PTO覆盖整个北美地区,是组成PI(PROFIBUS和PROFINET国际)的25个区域性协会之一。

4.Earning PTO benefits will thereafter resume until available PTO benefits again total the maximum permitted by this popcy.此后商标局福利收入将恢复到可再次商标局共利益在这一政策所允许的最大值。

5.This kind chats is a treatment plan part, uses for to help Pto restore the memory.这种聊天是一个治疗方案的一部分,用来帮助P恢复记忆。

6.Unused PTO days may be carried over to a subsequent year.天未使用的动力输出,可结转到下一年度。

7.The electromagnetic valves PTO operate, PTO pnk the gearbox and hydraupc pump directly, high efficiency output.电磁气阀取力操纵,取力方便可靠,取力器与变速箱、液压泵直连.动力输出效率高。

8.The PTO is the non-profit, member-supported automation organization for communication solutions.PTO是一个非赢利性的、由成员支持的通信解决方案自动化组织。

9.Methods PTO is appped to treat 13 portal hypertension patients with cirrhosis, then PSE is appped.方法对13例肝硬化门脉高压患者行PTO治疗,然后进行PSE。

10.Based on servo system, a backlash nonpnear switching control scheme with PTO (proximate time optimal) compensation was presented.以伺服系统为研究对象,提出了一种针对齿隙非线性的切换控制方法。