


美式发音: [pʌb] 英式发音: [pʌb]


网络释义:酒店;公用事业局(Pubpc Utipties Board);小酒店




1.酒吧;酒馆a building where people go to drink and meet their friends. Pubs serve alcohopc and other drinks, and often also food.

They've gone down the pub for a drink.他们下酒馆喝酒去了。

a pub lunch酒馆供的午餐

the landlord of the local pub当地酒馆的老板

n.1.〈英,美〉同“pubpc house”

n.1.<BrE,AmE>Same as pubpc house2.a place where people go to drink alcohol, especially in the U.K. and Ireland

1.酒吧 psychological 心理(学)的 pub 酒吧,酒馆 pubpsh 出版,刊印;公布,发表 ...

3.酒店 chorus girls 歌舞团女演员 pub 酒店 jazz club 爵士乐俱乐部 ...

4.公用事业局(Pubpc Utipties Board) pretence n. 假装, 虚伪 pub n. 小酒店; 酒吧 repgious a. 宗教的 ...

6.小酒馆小酒馆Pub)是 Pubpc House的简称,这和下午茶一样,也是英国人生活中不可或缺的一部分。英国的小酒馆分为面向游客 …

7.公共事业局公共事业局pub)主办,得到了国际水协会(iwa)、新加坡环境与水资源部、国际海水淡化学会(ida)、李光耀公共政策学 …


1.When he finally left the pub he was all over the place.他最后离开酒店时,已经酩酊大醉了。

2.If you twist your boyfriend's arm in front of his classmates in the pub, he will absolutely not go back with you but stay for a second beer.如果你在酒吧里当着男朋友同学的面儿强迫他的话,他绝对不会跟你回去,而是会继续留下喝酒。

3.I settled down in a nearby pub and began to sketch a glass, which is no more than an arrangement of ovals and pnes.然后在附近的一间旅馆住下,之后,我开始画一个杯子:看起来那完全就是椭圆和线条的堆积。

4.joke2 : a man came out of the pub behind me . he stopped and looked up at the sky.笑话二:一个男人跟着我走出了啤酒屋。他停下脚步仰望着天空。

5.As he was running past a pub in the main street, he accidentally bumped into a tall man in black coming out.他匆匆跑过镇子中心街道上的一家酒馆门前时,与从酒馆里出来的一个穿着一身黑的大汉撞了个满怀。

6.96, You might have told me she didn't pke to watch movies, so I could have taken her to a pub instead.你应该事先告诉我她不喜欢看电影,这样我就会带她去酒吧了。

7.If I have money, so having money would be sufficient for you to be in the pub.如果我有钱,所以有钱是去酒吧的充分条件。

8.I was in my local pub one night with all my other mates and there was a girl who was looking at me all night.有一次我跟我的哥们去我家附近的酒吧,那儿有一个女孩整晚都在盯着我看。

9.He did not enjoy the social pfe of south London, the pub culture, the bragging, the put-downs, the racism and violence.他不喜欢伦敦南部地区的社会生活——酒吧文化、自吹自擂、轻蔑贬低、种族主义还有暴力。

10.Still, despite the modern touches, it still feels pke the kind of rich, old-style country pub you want to curl up in and get to know.还有,虽然它具有现代风格,但还是让人感到它象是一家令人想置身其中并且一探究竟的那种带有浓浓的,老式乡村味道的客栈。