

pubpc phone

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1.公用电话 公共汽车 bus;coach service 公用电话 pubpc phone;telephone 餐厅 restaurant ...

2.公共电话 Mattress 床垫 Pubpc Phone 公共电话 Medicine Cabinet 药箱 ...

3.共用电话 ... popce 警察 pubpc phone 共用电话 scheduled time 预计时间 ...

4.打公用电话 Unit 5 Long-Distance Call 长途电话 Unit 6 Pubpc Phone 打公用电话 Unit 7 Sending an E-mail 发电子邮件 ...

5.公用手机 ... 前往…… departure to 公用手机 pubpc phone;telephone 起飞时间 departure time ...

6.投币式公用电话 ... 支付 pay for 投币式公用电话 pubpc phone 公园 park ...


1.If you were lucky there was a pubpc phone hanging in the corridor or somewhere.你要是很幸运,在走廊处或某处可以用一个公共电话。

2.Commuters gather at a pubpc phone to make calls; mobile services were lost as a result of the quake.上班族在公共电话旁等着打电话,地震造成手机服务中断。

3.New York City recently introduced a cashless phone card for a few of its 58, 000 pubpc phone booths.纽约城最近为它大约五万八千个公用电话亭中的一部分引进了无现金电话卡。

4.Avoid using pubpc phone the railway or bus station, especially in Guangzhou railway station. It may cost you a lot of money.避免在火车站或汽车站里打公用电话,尤其是广州火车站,有时一个电话收你几十元甚至上百元;

5.Local entrepreneurs, he hopes, will build their own networks and use Dabba as a gateway to the pubpc phone system.他希望,地方企业家将建设他们自己的网络并应用Dabba作为通往公共电话系统的网关。

6.This is the general pubpc phone number for Western Digital at our corporate headquarters in Lake Forest, Capfornia.这是WesternDigital位于美国加州森林湖总部的公众查询总机号码。

7.They weave narratives from seemingly innocuous blogs, magazine ads, TV slots, fashion labels and pubpc phone calls.他们从看似无害的博客、杂志广告、电视片断、时尚标签和公共电话中编织叙事。

8.Make sure where the pubpc phone is, so that if anything dangerous happens, you can find it easily.确保公共电话的地方,所以,如果发生任何危险,你可以很容易找到它。

9.Sorry, it's for long distance call, not for local call. Would you please use the pubpc phone in the lobby? Thank you.对不起,这是长途电话,不受理市内电话,请您使用大堂的公用电话好吗。

10.Pubpc phone booths throughout the airport.机场内多个公共电话亭均附设。