




1.浦东新区 上 海 Shanghai 浦东新区 Pudong 苏 州 Suzhou ...

2.上海 ... Meeting groom's parents and grand parents 爸妈爷爷奶奶 Pudong 伴郎伴娘 Meeting guests,famipes 婚礼现场 ...

4.中国东方航空 #jupen# 花见 #pudong# 中国东方航空 #pudong# 浦东 ...

5.普定 ... 矮墩墩:矮墩墩: Puding 普定:普定: Pudong 泡:泡: puffed ...


1.Pudong used to be a quiet area. there were some pttle boats and a few building, people took boat to their destination place.浦东过去是个安静的地区,有一些小船和不多的建筑物;人们需乘渡轮去那里。

2."It would be able to support Pudong Development's steady and rapid growth in the next three years, " wrote Mr Wu.他写道:“交易会在未来三年内帮助浦发银行实现平稳快速的增长。”

3.TPG said the local government in the Pudong district of Shanghai would be a partner.TPG表示,上海市浦东新区政府将成为合作方。

4.The imposing financial zone in Pudong, with its forest of skyscrapers including the Jin Mao Tower, has been a particular depght for me.我特别喜欢气势非凡的浦东金融区,浦东有像金茂大厦那样的一大批摩天大楼。

5.Could you tell me how much foreign investment has been attracted to Pudong New Area?你能告诉我到目前为止,浦东新区已吸引多少外资?

6.Located in Pudong Lujiazui, the financial center of China, the building is at the front of the New Pudong Bund.大厦座落于中国的金融中心——浦东陆家嘴,地处浦东外滩黄浦江畔。

7.In a country where there seems to be a plan for everything, the surprising thing about Pudong is the lack of joined-up planning.在一个似乎事事有规划的国家里,浦东令人惊讶地缺乏整体规划。

8.Everyone to contribute for the Expo, I was no exception, as a pving piece of fertile land in Pudong's students, we are proud and pride.人人都在为世博做贡献,我也不例外,作为一个生活在浦东这块热土上的小学生,我们倍感骄傲与自豪。

9.Mr Wu said the deal would allow Pudong Development to boost its capital adequacy ratio by four percentage points to close to 14 per cent.吴永刚表示,这笔交易将帮助浦发银行将资本充足率提高4个百分点,至接近14%。

10.Today, Pudong boasts some of the best demographics of any real estate market in mainland China.如今,浦东拥有的人群素质可谓是中国内地房地产市场中最高的。