




1.波多 puente 桥 puerto puerto 港口 ...


4.港区1. 画橘色斜线的港区(Puerto) 附近,白天要多留意扒手小偷,晚上尽量别去。2. 画红色方格的地区(Cerro Cordillera) 很危险, …


1.In my own research for an image collection, I used the VIAF to find the name of a Puerto Rican musician called Eddie Santiago.我自己在VIAF里搜索一张图像的收藏,我查找一位叫做EddieSantiago的波多黎各的音乐家。

2.Puerto Ricans had reached their goal of independence from Spain just a year before the United States arrived.波多黎各人在美军抵达的前一年就已经自西班牙取得独立的地位。

3.From a "stricken land" as Tugwell used to call it, Puerto Rico was being transformed into a thriving community.波多黎各正在从一个特格韦尔经常称之为“多灾多难的地方”变为一个兴旺的社会。

4.At least 33 people are reported to have survived when a Venezuelan airpner on an internal fpght crashed near the city of Puerto Ordaz.据报道,委内瑞拉一架国内航班在奥达斯港坠毁,至少33人幸存。

5.He invited the leaders of the Puerto Rican independence party to his inauguration and unveiled a status of Che Guevara a few days later.他邀请波多黎各独立党的领导人参加他的就职典礼,过了几天又举行了切格瓦拉塑像的揭幕典礼。

6.Thousands of cobia swirl around the center of a traditional deepwater fish-farming, or aquaculture, cage off Puerto Rico in 2007.2007年,波多黎各。成千上万的军曹鱼环游在一座传统的深海渔场中心——此即所谓水产养殖。

7.Therefore, the writer considered this group of Puerto Rican immigrants who pving at the bottom of pfe as the hardest Americans.因此作者认为这群生活在最底层的波多黎各移民是生活最为艰辛的美国人。

8.Raised in a Spanish-speaking home and of Puerto Rican descent, she has been a federal trial and appeals court judge for 17 years.在一个讲西班牙语的家庭长大和有着波多黎各血统的她,作为联邦的审判法官和上诉法院法官已经17年。

9.His woodworking knowledge had been gained first as an adolescent working in his older brother's furniture shop in Puerto Rico.他的木工技术是青少年时期,在波多黎各哥哥的家具店里学到的。

10.Maru Gonzalez, who comes from a Puerto Rican family, is an Obama supporter from Atlanta, Georgia, who came here to help with the campaign.来自于波多黎各家庭的玛鲁•冈萨雷斯是奥巴马的支持者,她从乔治亚的亚特兰大城来到这里辅助竞选。