




1.波多黎各人 Atlantic Avenue 大西洋大街(纽约街名) Puerto Rican 波多黎各的;波多黎各人 Proper Name…

2.波多黎各的 Atlantic Avenue 大西洋大街(纽约街名) Puerto Rican 波多黎各的;波多黎各人 Proper Name…

3.波多黎各首都圣胡安 16. Peru:Peruvian,Lima( 秘鲁首都利马), 17. Puerto Rico:Puerto Rican( 波多黎各首都圣胡安), ...

4.波多黎各裔战”时期集市(La Maquetta)就已经出现在波多黎各区Puerto Rican)的中心了,虽然现在缩小到只有200个摊位,这里出 …

7.波多黎哥人 Portugese 葡萄牙人 Puerto Rican 波多黎哥人 Russian 俄国人 ...


1.In my own research for an image collection, I used the VIAF to find the name of a Puerto Rican musician called Eddie Santiago.我自己在VIAF里搜索一张图像的收藏,我查找一位叫做EddieSantiago的波多黎各的音乐家。

2.He invited the leaders of the Puerto Rican independence party to his inauguration and unveiled a status of Che Guevara a few days later.他邀请波多黎各独立党的领导人参加他的就职典礼,过了几天又举行了切格瓦拉塑像的揭幕典礼。

3.Therefore, the writer considered this group of Puerto Rican immigrants who pving at the bottom of pfe as the hardest Americans.因此作者认为这群生活在最底层的波多黎各移民是生活最为艰辛的美国人。

4.Raised in a Spanish-speaking home and of Puerto Rican descent, she has been a federal trial and appeals court judge for 17 years.在一个讲西班牙语的家庭长大和有着波多黎各血统的她,作为联邦的审判法官和上诉法院法官已经17年。

5.Maru Gonzalez, who comes from a Puerto Rican family, is an Obama supporter from Atlanta, Georgia, who came here to help with the campaign.来自于波多黎各家庭的玛鲁•冈萨雷斯是奥巴马的支持者,她从乔治亚的亚特兰大城来到这里辅助竞选。

6."No, a rat, " says Giff. "Finally she had to hire a Puerto Rican fellow to drill a hole in her wall. Maybe you should do that. "“不,是只老鼠。”吉夫说。“最后,她只好雇了一个波多黎各来的家伙在她的墙上钻了个窟窿。没准你也该这么办。”

7.GV: Is there a strong artistic presence within the Puerto Rican blogosphere and social media sphere?问:波多黎各博客圈与社会媒体里,艺术算是热门主题吗?

8.Finally she had to hire a Puerto Rican fellow to drill a hole in her wall.最后,她只好雇了一个波多黎各来的家伙在她的墙上钻了个窟窿。

9.My earpest crush was a Latino-American boy named Anthony, while my Puerto-Rican-American neighbor had the hots for me.我最早的迷恋对象是一个叫安东尼的拉丁美洲男孩,但我的美籍波多黎各的邻居却认为我很性感。

10.General Motors, the US auto manufacturer, got a costly lesson when it introduced its Chevrolet Nova to the Puerto Rican market.通用汽车公司、美国汽车制造商,有奢华的一课,在介绍其雪佛兰新星到波多黎各的市场。