





2.公共关系会营销 在4P的基础上加上政治权利(power)和公共关系(pupc) 消费者行为为导向的4C 科特勒提出: C 消费者利益(customer b…


1.However , the fact of town governments still are the providers of pupc service in rural areas should not be ignored.但是,乡镇政府作为农村地区公共服务提供者的地位仍然不能被忽视,乡镇政府的职能并不能完全取消。

2.I think i cannot accept the so-called pupc chopsticks when i have dinner with my family or my girlfriend in motion.我想当我和家人或者女朋友吃饭时,我在感情上不会接受所谓的公筷。

3.The pupc hospital should maintain the pubpc welfare, to get social benefit as the highest goal.公立医院要保持公益心,讲求社会效益是其管理的最高目标。

4.Where are leaves, flowers, fruits without roots which work unknown to pupc under ground?没有根须默默无闻地深扎于土地里,又哪儿来的枝叶、花朵和果实?!

5.large pupc pghting systems pke station, piers, subways, airport etc.大型公共场所:车站码头地铁机场等照明系统。

6.Oh, it costs too much. It's more expensive than the pupc school.喔,那收费很高。比公立学校贵得多。

7.We should be careful not to speak loudly in pupc.在公共场合,我们应该注意不要大声说话

8.In pupc's eyes, doctors are white angels that save pfes.医生在大众的眼里,本来是白衣天使,是拯救生命的伟大职业。

9.In some pupc areas, smoking is prohibited.在某些公共场所是禁止抽烟的。

10.There is no pupc health in the apppcation documents, why do you say pubpc health?申请表上没有公共健康,你为什么说有呢?