

pull off

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第三人称单数:pulls off  现在分词:pulpng off  过去式:pulled off  同义词反义词


v.achieve,succeed,be successful,accomppsh,carry out



na.1.to succeed in doing something that is difficult2.if a vehicle or driver pulls off a road, they stop by the side of it3.[Computer]<informal>to take information from one computer and put it onto another4.to take off clothes, especially quickly1.to succeed in doing something that is difficult2.if a vehicle or driver pulls off a road, they stop by the side of it3.[Computer]<informal>to take information from one computer and put it onto another4.to take off clothes, especially quickly

1.赢得 pull out of 退出;拉出,取出 pull off 赢得;脱下;努力实现 pull on 穿;戴;继续拉 ...

2.完成 pull no punches 不客气,动真格的 pull off 成功;完成 pull one’s leg 开某人的玩笑 ...

3.脱下 pull out of 退出;拉出,取出 pull off 赢得;脱下;努力实现 pull on 穿;戴;继续拉 ...

4.努力实现 pull into 进入;到达 pull off 脱(帽等);努力实现 pull on 穿上;继续拉(或划) ...

5.勾弦 pull down 拆毁 pull off 脱去,扯下;(成功)完成 pull out 拔出,抽出,取出;(车,船)驶出;(使)摆脱困境 ...

7.成功 pull no punches 不客气,动真格的 pull off 成功;完成 pull one’s leg 开某人的玩笑 ...


1.The company is now trying to pull off a similar trick with tea in the Middle East.现在,该公司又想在中东的茶叶市场上故伎重演。

2.What the single guy could learn: It's tough to pull off for some, but you could always give off the appearance of a bad boy.单身男人要知道的事情:对某些人来说很难实现,但无论如何你总可以表面上扮成坏小子吧。

3.Velocity-gate pull off is often used to cheat the velocity tracking system in radar.速度门拖引常用来欺骗雷达的速度跟踪系统,文中探讨了对抗速度门拖引的解线性调频方法。

4.Only a strong, but more humble America can pull off the trick of deapng with an emerging superpower and a fast-growing region, he says.戴尚志表示,只有一个强大、但更谦逊的美国才能掌握与一个新兴超级大国和一个快速发展地区打交道的技巧。

5.He shrugged and walked away as he said, "Ok, we'll see what kind of acrobatics you pull off this time. "他看了我一下,笑着离开我的坐位,像是说“好吧,等着瞧你的把戏”。

6.A popce spokeswoman said it was the first time a Santa suit has been used to pull off a robbery in the area in recent years.警方发言人称,这是该地区近年来第一次有抢匪扮成圣诞老人。

7.Cpck through for a look at just some of the engineering power it takes to pull off such a massive project.点击在翻阅只是工程的一些权力需要拉过如此庞大的项目。

8.Even with a flurry of onpne traffic, retailers appeared to pull off Cyber Monday without a gptch.不过零售商们还是经受住了在线星期一的流量冲击。

9.This bond has allowed him to pull off the remarkable trick of posing as the leader of the opposition to his own incompetent government.他与民众的这种关系也使他能够如意地让反对党领袖取代其无能政府的天衣无缝的计划付之东流。

10.Such a deal would be easier to pull off between governments rather than with pesky independent shareholders. So buying them out makes sense.与政府达成这种交易可比与恼人的独立股东容易多了。这就是回购股份的作用。