




1.普特南 Purcellville- 珀塞尔维尔 Putnam- 帕特南 Puyallup- 普雅路普 ...

5.普特拉姆魅力地莱比锡人。普特拉姆Putnam)未婚的妹妹是一位年高望重的妇女,她弹着钢琴为唱英文歌的年轻小女孩伴奏,后来 …



1.She warned Putnam that she was incapable of fidepty, and she apparently made good on her threat.她警告普特南说,她不能保证对他的忠诚,她的威胁似乎是对的。

2.The pilot was returning from training on the carrier USS Abraham Lincoln off the San Diego coast when the plane went down, she said.Putnam说当飞机在下沉的时候,飞行员驾驶着亚伯拉罕.林肯号美国航空母舰在离开圣地亚哥海岸训练返回的途中。

3.As Robert Putnam, the author of Bowpng Alone, might say, we're also "Eating Alone, " at least some of the time, and we're content with it.BowpngAlone的作者罗伯特普特南,可能会说我们也会单独吃饭,至少有些时候,我们还挺乐意这样的。

4."Anthony knows where a lot of the money is and wants to help us get it back, " Putnam said. "Don't you, Anthony? "“安东尼知道这么多钱在哪,想帮我们弄回来。”帕特南说。“是吗,安东尼?”

5.A pair of Putnam County law men were warning a dog owner to control his pet when it raced over and bit them on the leg.普特南镇的两位执法人员在提醒一位主人管好其宠物狗的时候被这只冲的狗咬伤了腿部。

6.The WSJ said Putnam is looking to cut fees on fixed-income funds by an average of 13 percent and will announce the plans on Tuesday.华尔街日报指出,Putnam打算将固定收益基金产品收费平均调降13%,且将在周二宣布相关计画。

7.a sousaphone player and his band mates add a folksy note to a wedding celebration in putnam , romania.罗马尼亚,普特纳,一位大号手和他的乐队在为当地的一场婚礼演奏风俗音乐。

8.The armored SUV spluttered to a stop on the side of the freeway. Putnam called the other group.这辆装甲SUV响了几下,停在了高速路边。帕特南打电话给另一组人。

9.But while many people will agree with Putnam, few of us ask precisely why ethnicity and co-operation might be connected.许多人会同意普特南的观点,但我们中很少有人问:究竟为什么种族与合作之间也许有联系。

10.Then again, Putnam's research predated the smartphone revolution and he pretty much ignored the Internet.再说,Putnam的调查先于智能手机革命的出现,他的调查也几乎忽略了互联网的存在。