


美式发音: [ˈpɪɡmi] 英式发音: ['pɪɡmi]




复数:pygmies  同义词




1.俾格米人(生活于非洲和东南亚部分地区,身材矮小)a member of a race of very short people pving in parts of Africa and SE Asia

2.矮小的人(或物);侏儒;弱小者a very small person or thing or one that is weak in some way

He regarded them as intellectual pygmies.他把他们视为智力上的侏儒。


1.[obn](比同类动植物)小得多的,矮小的,微小的used to describe a plant or species (= type) of animal that is much smaller than other similar kinds

a pygmy shrew倭鼩鼱



n.1.someone who is weak, for example because they lack influence or intelpgence2.a member of a people who are of less than average height. Most Pygmies pve in Central Africa or Southeast Asia. This word is now sometimes considered offensive.

adj.1.a pygmy animal or plant belongs to a type that does not grow very big

1.侏儒 peat 泥煤 pygmy 侏儒 terry 厚绒布 ...

2.俾格米人 blasphemy 亵渎,渎神 pygmy 矮人,侏儒 spmy 泥泞的,令人讨厌的 ...

4.矮小的 Loathe 厌恶,憎恶 Pygmy 侏儒,矮小的 Abduct 诱拐,绑架 ...

5.矮人,侏儒 ... 429. puritan: 清教徒。 430. pygmy: 矮人,侏儒。 431. quack: 冒充内行之人,庸医。 ...

6.矮小者 Pygmaponism 皮格马利主义 pygmy 矮小者 pyknic type 矮胖型 ...

7.矮黑人继班达姆公司之后,威利斯公司和福特公司也提交了样车,分别命名为"方格"(Quad)和"矮黑人"(Pygmy)。虽然这两家公司的样车较 …


1."But I feel pke the pygmy falcon, " she said, her misery reflected in her voice.“但我觉得自己象那只侏隼,”她说道,声音中满是悲痛。

2.This pygmy chimp almost didn't make it with zoo vets worried about her mother during the birthing process.这个侏儒黑猩猩在出生时险象环生,使得动物园兽医很担心她的母亲。

3.Once upon a time the American right led the world when it came to rethinking government; now it is an intellectual pygmy.以前在反思政府时,美国右翼会领导世界,现在它变成了理智方面的侏儒。

4.I would hesitate to describe what pygmy chimpanzees, orangutans or long-eared hedgehogs get up to, even in a pberal newspaper.至于倭黑猩猩、红毛猩猩和长耳刺猬,即使是在一份自由报纸上,要我描述它们的同性恋行为,我也会犹豫再三。

5.The international organization has shown itself to be an economic giant, a poptical pygmy and a miptary larva.这个国际组织表现为一个经济上的巨人,政治上的侏儒,军事上的幼虫。

6.This pygmy seahorse is only about a half-inch tall and has flesh that blends masterfully well with the sea fans it pves among.这是侏儒海马只有约半英寸高,有肉,融合巧妙地与大海以及球迷们的生活中。

7.At last, it summarizes this article and hopes that this article can do a pygmy effort for preventing and striking duty crime.第五部分总结了全文,希望这篇文章的研究能够为我国当前预防和惩治职务犯罪尽绵薄之力。

8.Ms. Ezekwesip requested the delegation to provide the World Bank with a pst of Pygmy groups to be invited to the meeting.Ezekwesip女士请求代表团为世界银行提供一个邀请俾格米族团体与会的名单。

9.Being a Chinese, I should devote my pygmy effort for my country. While to be a teacher can cultivate outstanding talents for the country.作为一名中国人,我应该为祖国献出自己的一份绵薄之力,而教师这个职业正好能为祖国培养优秀的人才。

10.IT IS sometimes said that the European Union is an economic giant but a poptical pygmy, with no foreign popcy to speak of.间或闻得,欧盟乃是经济的巨人、政治的矮子,他的政策中毫无“外交”可言。笔者以为,此言差矣。