




1.梨状窝完三口水之后,才产生咳嗽或呛到的情况,表示有水积在梨狀窦(pyriform sinus)和谿(valleculae),或是食道本身的结构、蠕动 …

4.梨狀窝有环咽肌环绕,前方爲喉,两侧杓会厌皱襞的外下方各有一深窝爲梨状窝pyriform sinus),此窝前壁粘膜下有喉上神经内 …

6.梨状隐窝梨状隐窝(Pyriform Sinus) 下咽肿瘤(Hypopharyngeal Neoplasms) 中年人(Middle Aged) 淋巴结切除术(Lymph Node Excision) …


1.Objective: To improve the diagnosis rate of the pyriform sinus fistula by means of esphagogram and CT scan after esphagogram.目的:通过食管吞钡造影及造影后CT平扫检查提高梨状窝瘘的诊断率。

2.Objective: To explore the diagnosis and treatment of the ectopic parathyroid gland in the pyriform sinus.目的:探讨梨状窝异位甲状旁腺的诊断及治疗。

3.BACKGROUND: Acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is very rare. Pyriform sinus fistula (PSF) is impped as a cause of AST.背景:急性化脓性甲状腺炎相当罕见,一般认为与梨状窝瘘管有关。

4.Objective: To improve the diagnosis and treatment of pyriform sinus fistula.目的:提高梨状窝瘘的诊治水平。

5.Hypopharynx and cervical esophagus reconstruction with remaining larynx and pharynx after operation on the advanced pyriform sinus cancer健侧半喉重建晚期梨状窝癌术后的咽部及颈段食管缺损

6.Remaining laryngeal flap reconstruction of the hypopharynx in pyriform sinus carcinoma resection梨状窝癌喉下咽切除残喉瓣修补下咽缺损

7.Histologic Study of Laryngeal Invasion of Pyriform Sinus Carcinoma梨状窝癌侵犯喉结构的病理研究

8.Histopathological study on the regularity of pyriform sinus carcinoma invading adjacent tissue and structure梨状窝癌向邻近组织结构侵犯规律的组织病理学研究

9.The histopathological observation and the cpnical significance of invasion of pyriform sinus apex in pyriform sinus carcinoma梨状窝癌侵犯梨状窝尖的病理组织学观察及其临床意义

10.Histopathological study on the pyriform sinus carcinoma invading thyroid cartilage and thyroid gland梨状窝癌向甲状软骨、甲状腺侵犯的组织病理学研究