


网络释义:量化宽松(quantitative easing);量化宽松政策;量化宽松措施


1.量化宽松(quantitative easing)加工和电子电器类产品的生产加工,有机电类行业/企业品质工程QE)岗位3年....详情>>


1.To be most effective, QE teams must be able to apply appropriate testing tools as they focus on system-level quapty issues.为了最有效地测试,QE团队必须在他们关注系统级质量问题时,能够应用合适的测试工具。

2.And yet the bank is still holding rates close to zero, and is pursuing a second round of QE to prop up asset prices.尽管现在银行汇率一直接近零,美联储仍然在继续实行第二轮定量宽松政策以支持资产价格。

3.Nobody is really sure how much QE pushes down long-term interest rates but it appears to take a lot of it to make a difference.没人确切知道,到底多大力度的定量宽松才会压低长期利率,不过看上去,似乎要实施很大力度的定量宽松才能见到成效。

4.That said, the point of QE is to ensure moderate inflation in the future, rather than a spde into deflation and recession.不过,定量宽松的宗旨是要确保未来呈现温和的通胀,而不是让经济滑入通缩和衰退。

5.While the Bank has left the door open for more QE, inflation has not moderated sufficiently for further QE to be announced.在央行保有继续推出量化宽松政策余地的同时,通胀率却没有回到落足以宣布更多量化宽松政策的程度。

6.But as the Fed's second round of "quantitative easing" (QE) draws to an end this month, he gave no hint a third round was in the offing.联储的第二轮“数量宽松”本月就将结束,但他还一点没有要开始第三轮的意思。

7.Like the Fed, the Bank of England has been pursuing an aggressive QE programme.和美联储一样,英国央行也一直在推行积极的量化宽松政策。

8.Meanwhile government-bond yields have fallen because central banks seem to spend most of the QE money buying their own country's debt.同时政府公债收益率在下降,因为央行似乎会把大部分量化宽松的钱用于购买本国债务。

9.While we have known for months that the Fed was targeting asset prices with QE, it really is shocking to hear it enunciated so clearly.虽然我们早已清楚FED的量化宽松瞄准了资产价格,但听到这点被如此明确地说出来,还是十分令人震惊。

10.Mr Warsh never voted against QE and is departing out of a long-standing intention to return to the private sector.理事瓦尔许先生从没有投票反对过量化宽松政策而且正要放弃存在已久的回到私营部门的意图。