


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.强 (ju, 一声,居,不读“组”音) (qiang三声,抢,不读“墙”音) (ba, 一声,巴…

4.王 紫苏 zisug 1-28 _ qiang 团购电话 15801373120 张笑雨 le11111111 8-31 ...

5.精 ID:eric_qiang 华:126 ID:hzl2070 帖 子:411 ...

6.爿 丱卝毋 guan qiang 丫乛 ya ...

7.飘飘然 [乒乓球] ppr,2=︿ [飘飘然……] qiang,2=▄︻┻┳═ [推推~起床啦!] qichuang,2= ...

8.亲 (清)、 qin~-in ()、 qiang~-iang (枪)、 qu~-ü ...


1.Liu Qiang, who was trying to go back home to Henan province, said he had been stranded for three days.刘强(音译)正在试图回到河南老家。他表示,自己已经困在这里3天了。

2.The name of Xiao Qiang is often abused as the nickname of the cockroach.小强的名字经常被人滥用,被用来表示蟑螂!

3.Or again, if I know your QQ, will want to mobipze all my day you know User QQ, make your QQ several times been QIANG rape.再或者,我要是知道你的QQ,定要汇集我所有认识的网友日你的QQ,让你的QQ几度被人QIANG奸。

4.Because when you use that criteria to the value of a strong request, you expect the person you are pkely to be consciously Qiang hurt.因为当你用那强的价值标准去要求的时候,你所期待的人的自觉很可能被你戕伤了。

5.Zhou Qiang welcomed the arrival of Yok Mu-ming and thanked him for his efforts in promoting economic cooperation between Hunan and Taiwan.周强首先对郁慕明的到来表示欢迎,并对郁慕明在推动湖南与台湾经贸交流合作等付出的关心和支持表示感谢。

6.Liu Qiang, of the Henan University student affairs office, says that a change in career or study can be a major threat to any relationship.来自河南大学学生处的刘强(音译)表示,所有恋人来说,学业或工作上的转变都会对的情感构成的威胁。

7.The Danba Valley, home to ethnic Tibetan and Qiang villages, is one of the best -- and most accessible -- places to explore the towers.丹巴山谷是藏民和羌族人的栖息之地,是研究这些碉楼最佳——同时也是最容易进入——的地点。

8.From the form of national culture and content summed up the Qiang's history, analysis of folk customs, the unique of arts and culture.从民族文化的形式和内容方面总结概括羌族历史渊源,分析民俗风情、文化艺术的独特之处。

9.The Baobo branch is one of the Burmese people. Its ancestry was the Qiang people inhabiting the Taohe River basin.缅甸人中有所谓“胞波”者,其祖先是甘肃洮河流域的羌人。

10.for the outcome of the review, Jia Qiang not very optimistic, because, "Siemens subsidiary Osram's attitude is still quite tough. "的检讨结果,贾七昂不是很乐观,因为“西门子子公司欧司朗的态度仍然很强硬。”