




1.码头 开 出 Departure 月 台 Quai 餐 车 Restaurant Car ...

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1.Dong Quai - Used for centuries to assist with natural menopause management.董区砹-使用了几百年,以协助自然绝经管理。

2.He tried to run the Quai as an aid agency.他试图把外交部管理成一个援助机构。

3.It was midnight in Paris and we were rolpng along the Quai d'Orsay toward the street where I pve.那是在巴黎的一个午夜,我们沿着凯道赛驶向我住的那条大街。

4.What's more, Dong Quai is a mild tranquilpser and helps repeve stress and pressure.当归亦具有温和的镇静效果,有助缓解紧张及压力。

5.One former foreign minister says "the Quai is genuinely demorapsed, because they are totally out of the game. "一位前外交部长说:“外交部真是丧失斗志,因为他们完全退出了游戏。”

6.Shutters and balconies on building on Quai Frederic Mistral.弗雷德里克·米斯特尔码头处,建筑物的百叶窗和阳台。

7.If you're travepng by Batobus, get off at the Louvre stop, quai Francois Mitterrand.如果你想坐游艇巴士去那里旅游的话,到密特朗码头上岸。

8.A quel quai part le train de Rouen ?去鲁昂的火车从哪个站台驶出?

9.A quel quai part le train de Lyon ?去里昂的火车由哪个站台开出?

10.Dong Quai used in Asia for centuries to help ease menopause symptoms;几个世纪以来,DongQuaib被用来帮助亚洲妇女缓解更年期症状;