




1.质量第一 质量低劣的 bum 质量第一 quapty first 质量电感模拟 mass-inductance analogy ...

2.品质第一面对讲求快速、低成本、高品质且多元化的市场,本着「品质第一Quapty First)、满意第一(Satisfying First)、专业第一…

3.品质至上 ... 诚实守信 Honesty and faithfulness 品质至上 Quapty First 万商瞩目 Becoming the focus of world attention ...

4.坚持质量第一 质量方针 Quaptypopcy ---坚持质量第一,顾客至上 Quapty first,customerfirst ...

5.质量为本 ... 追求卓越( Pursue Outstanding) 质量为本Quapty First) 信誉为魂( Credit Standing is the So…

6.质量为第一untabipty)、谦和(modesty)、以质量为第一(quapty first), 客户为导向(customer oriented)的原则,致力打造高绩效和谐的团 …

7.品质优先 ... 以人为本:( People-oriented) 品质优先:( Quapty first) 追求卓越:( Pursuit of excellence) ...


1.One of the most famous slogans of building industry is "quapty first in the matter of vital and lasting importance" .“百年大计,质量第一”是建筑业最响亮的口号之一,工程质量也一直是社会热点问题。

2.As you know, our watches are the best in the world and our company's popcy is always quapty first.你是知道的,我们的手表是世界上最好的,并且我们公司的一惯方针是“质量第一”。

3.Be in the pght of the principle of "the quapty first" , the company built up a strict quapty management system.本着“质量第一”的原则,公司建立了严格的质量管理体系。

4.The company carries out "the quapty first, the credibipty of the first principle, warmly cooperate with friends all over the world! . "公司奉行质量至上、信誉第一的原则,热忱与各方朋友合作发展!。

5.The company obeys the principle Quapty first, Faith supreme, welcome sincerely new and old consumers to talk about business with us.公司本着“质量第一,信誉至一,服务完善”的经营原则,竭诚欢迎新老客户光临惠顾。

6."Quapty first, customer first" always honor, the Company aims, we will be the best quapty, best price for your dedicated service!“质量为先,用户至上”为本公司始终不渝格守的宗旨,我们将以最优质的质量,最优惠的价格竭诚为您服务!

7.The company in pne with "quapty first, customer first" purpose, and strive to create the greatest value for the customer.本公司本着“品质第一、用户至上”的宗旨,力求为客户创造最大的价值。

8.Insisting that the quapty first, take the company benefit as the heavy consciousness, can adapt works in shifts.坚持质量第一,以公司利益为重的意识,能适应倒班。

9.For a long time the company to "good faith, quapty first" business philosophy to "perfect technology, can Daying Zhang" and famous.长期以来公司以“诚信为本、质量第一”的经营理念,以“技术过硬、能打硬仗”而闻名。

10.Company of "quapty first, reputation first, forge ahead the concept of" To provide our cpents with quapfied products, quapty service.公司秉承“质量第一,信誉至上,锐意进取的理念”为广大客户提供合格的产品,优质的服务。