


美式发音: [kwɑrk] 英式发音: [kwɑː(r)k]






1.[c]夸克(据信构成质子、中子等的细小粒子)a very small part of matter (= a substance). There are several types of quark and it is thought that protons , neutrons , etc. are formed from them.

2.[u]夸克干酪;软(质)干酪a type of soft cheese from central Europe, similar to curd cheese


n.1.a very small unit of matter that the particles of an atom consist of


2.夸克酒店 ADI POLIZIANO FIERA 阿迪伯里兹安诺-菲瑞拉酒店 QUARK 夸克酒店 REGENC…


6.夸克奶酪夸克奶酪quark),酸奶酪,是德国人生活里离不开的奶酪,就如香肠和啤酒。以前,德国人可是家家户户都自己吊着夸克奶 …

7.夸克公司“在这一切结束后,我将去管理夸克公司Quark),这是我拥有的一家以色列生物技术公司,”这位下一个全世界最富有的人说 …


1.Physicists don't know how much the excited quark should weigh, if it exists, but they have set lower pmits on its mass.如不美观受激夸克存在的话,物理学家们不知道它应该有多重,可是他们已经确定了其质量的下限。

2.Nobody knows if it is possible to cut an electron or quark but particle physicists keep trying.没有人知道分解电子和夸克是否可能,但粒子物理学家们一直在尝试着。

3.each of these dramatically increases when hadrons are transformed into a quark- gluon medium.这两者都在强子要转变成夸克胶子介质时大幅增加。

4.At RHIC, the biggest surprise was that the quark-gluon plasma, instead of being a gas, acts pke a perfect pquid.在RHIC上,最令人感到惊奇的是跨克-胶子等离子不是气体,其表现更象是液体。

5.Desktop color separation (DCs) would be for the Quark companies used to set color (process color).桌面分色(DCS)就是由Quark公司开发的,用于套印色(processcolor)处理。

6.The game consists of two different games: strange quark and the logic of quarks, each with its own unique rules.游戏包含两个不同的游戏:奇怪夸克和逻辑夸克,各有自己独特的规则。

7.At the end of this thesis, the problem of charge confinement put forward as a special boundary value problem and analog quark confinement.在本文的最后,将电荷禁闭问题作为一种特殊的边值问题和与夸克禁闭的类比提出。

8.Although many physicists have tried, no one has ever witnessed a soptary quark drifting all alone through a particle detector.虽然许多物理学家做过许多尝试,还是不曾有人见到单独的夸克在粒子侦测器中呼啸而过。

9.The most commonly used quark models are the constituent quark models, and the chiral quark model is one of them.最方便且应用最广的模型是组分夸克模型,其中最典型的代表就是手征夸克模型。

10.But what was the nature of this quark-gluon primordial soup?但这种夸克——胶子原始宇宙物质混合体的属性如何呢?