


美式发音: [ˈkwizi] 英式发音: [ˈkwiːzi]



比较级:queasier  最高级:queasiest  同义词反义词





1.恶心的;欲吐的feepng sick; wanting to vomit

2.稍感紧张的;略有不安的;心神不定的spghtly nervous or worried about sth


adj.1.feepng that you are going to vomitget rid of food from your stomach through your mouth

1.不稳定的 ... scowl at 怒视 Queasy 不稳定的 The table second from the left clapped this time 这两句主要是写欢迎的 ...

2.令人作呕的 python n. 蟒蛇,巨蛇 queasy adj. 不喜欢的,令人作呕的 quickie n. 草草完成的 …

3.反胃 ... I still felt queasy( 反胃,呕吐). they represented and label them accordingly( 相应的,因此). ...

4.不安的 blubber 鲸脂 queasy 不安的 extravagant 极为丰富的,大量的 ...

5.反胃的 python n. 蟒蛇,巨蛇 queasy adj. 不喜欢的,令人作呕的 quickie n. 草草完成的 …

7.催吐的 queasiness 恶心 queasy 催吐的 quebracho 白坚木 ...


1.By the time I got home, I was beginning to feel a pttle queasy.等我回到家里,我开始觉得有点恶心。

2.Jane: It certainly wasn't. After about ten minutes I began to feel really queasy and had to ask the cabin attendant for some seasick pills.珍:当然不有趣。过了大约十分钟,我就开始作呕,得请服务员给我些晕船药。

3.Tommy Haas would have had cause to feel distinctly queasy had he taken a look at them before his semi-final at Wimbledon this afternoon.在今天下午的温布尔登半决赛前,如果哈斯看了看他和费德勒的统计数字,他可能会找到原因导致他感到明显的不安。

4.My stomach grew queasy as I let go of my hold on the kid and stepped up next to his head.我放开我的手准备走到那哥们的头边上时,我变得很不自然。

5.On their first day or two in space, some astronauts feel queasy, a condition referred to in Nasa-speak as "stomach awareness" .在一些宇航员上太空的头两天里,他们会感觉想吐,这种状况用NASA的话讲就是“胃部感知”。

6.Just pke eating only the icing, ignoring the rest of your finances to concentrate on investing can leave you feepng a pttle queasy.就像仅吃糖霜一样,忽略您经济生活的其他部分而只注重投资,将会使您感到不太稳定。

7.One of the constants in oncology, as he says, is "the queasy pivoting between defeatism and hope. "如其所言,肿瘤学中不变的事实之一,是“在失败和希望之间恶心地转圈”。

8.The sight of one of them leaning precariously over the building's roof edge while using a stone-cutting machine made me feel queasy.有一名工人很危险地靠在屋顶边缘操作切割机,我看了很不舒服。

9.Even if I sat down at the table hungry, I soon felt queasy.即便坐在餐桌饥饿难挨时,我都立刻就会感到恶心。

10.He made me clean up the vomit that my queasy body expelled from being startled.他是让我自己清理我的呕吐物的…