

queen bee

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1.蜂王;母蜂a female bee that produces eggs for the whole group of bees in a hive

2.女强人;大姐大a woman who behaves as if she is the most important person in a particular place or group


n.1.a woman who thinks she is the most important person in a group

1.蜂王 queen ant 蚁后 queen bee 蜂王 rattlesnake 响尾蛇 ...

2.女王蜂 维奥拉 劳伦斯( Viola Lawrence) 女王蜂 Queen Bee 编 剧 Edna L. Lee novel ...

3.蜂后 queen ant n. 蚁后 ... queen bee n. 蜂王,社交界女王 ... queen butterfly 后蝶 ... ...

5.蜂后行动 3. BURIAL CHAMBER 地穴行动 4. QUEEN BEE 蜂后行动 5. DARK WATER 黑水行动 ...

6.良种蜂王 出口原蜜( export honey) 良种蜂王( queen bee) 蜂产品( hive products) ...

7.雌蜂 赤眼蜂 trichogramma 雌蜂,蜂王 queen bee 雄蜂 drone ...


1.When a swarm pours itself out through the front slot of the hive, the queen bee can only follow.当蜂群从蜂巢前面狭小的出口涌出时,蜂王只能跟着。

2.I checked some of the information was that bee pollen is a fine, pubpc bee, queen bee their food.我查了一些资料有人说花粉是幼蜂、公蜂、蜂王们的粮食。

3.The larva inside has to be moved to what's known as a "peanut" cell so that worker bees can raise it to become a queen bee.里面的幼虫已被转移到什么是“花生”细胞称为使工蜂可以提高它成为蜂王。

4.Each man had a queen bee that had been removed from its hive and captured in a miniature cage tied around his neck.两人分别从蜂房里拿出蜂后,放入小笼子里并绑在脖子上。

5.When he stopped at a village further on , he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees nearby .当他在前方的一个小村子停下来后,有人告诉他肯定有一个蜂王被藏在他的汽车里面了,因为附近有成千上万的蜜蜂。

6."They could sting, but they were pretty quiet because they were following the queen bee, which was trying to get in, " he said.「牠们可能螫人,但牠们非常安静,因为牠们是跟随想进店内的女王蜂而来,」他说。

7.In some of these cells the bees store the honey that they gather. The Queen bee lays her eggs in other cells.蜜蜂们在这些小单间中储存他们采的蜂蜜,女王蜂在其他单间中产卵。

8.The following year the Air Ministry ordered 420 such aircraft, known as the Queen Bee.在这第二年,空军部订购了420架这样的飞机,并取名为“女王蜜蜂”。

9.Our research shows the destructive "queen bee" idea to be a myth.我们的研究表明,认为“蜂王”具有破坏性的观点只是胡说八道。

10.For example, in the books Elena is a pttle bit more of that queen bee, popular girl, kind of pke Katherine is.例如,在图书埃琳娜是一点点的女王蜂,流行女孩,更多的是一种像凯瑟琳。