


美式发音: [kwɪz] 英式发音: [kwɪz]




复数:quizzes  过去式:quizzed  现在分词:quizzing  同义词





1.知识竞赛;智力游戏a competition or game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge

a general knowledge quiz常识问答竞赛

a television quiz show电视智力游戏节目

2.小测验an informal test given to students

a reading comprehension quiz阅读理解小测验


1.盘问;查问;询问;讯问to ask sb a lot of questions about sth in order to get information from them

Four men are being quizzed by popce about the murder.警察就这起谋杀案正在盘问四个男子。

We were quizzed on our views about education.我们被征询对教育的看法。

2.~ sb测验(学生)to give students an informal test

You will be quizzed on chapter 6 tomorrow.明天将考你们第 6 章。



n.1.a competition in which you answer questions

v.1.to ask someone a lot of questions, often in an urgent or angry way

1.测验 P:Precocious 早熟的 Q:Quiz (非正式的)测验 R:Reapty 真实的 ...

2.小测验 final exam 期末考试 quiz 小测验; pop quiz 突击测验; ...

3.小考 day 白天,免蜡 quiz ? 小考,在g001和g002地图中使用 mine 可以挖矿的地图 ...

4.小型考试 quite ad. 完全,十分 quiz n. 测验,小型考试 R rabbit n. 兔,家兔 ...

5.随堂测验 03. 超快感 Turbo 04. 随堂测验 Quiz 05. 爱情证书 Love Document ...

6.问答比赛 puzzle n. 谜;难题 quiz n. 测验;问答比赛 rag n. 破布;碎布 ...

7.小测试 CRAM UP 应付考试 QUIZ 小测试 TERM PAPER 学期论文 ...

8.提问 banquet n. 宴会 quiz n. 测验, 提问, 恶作剧v.对...进行测验, 盘问, 挖苦 donald n. 唐纳德, 男子名 ...


1.There is also a quiz to test how much you know about the subject.并设有小测验,考考大家对这方面的认识。

2.As the script posts back to itself continuously over the duration of the quiz, we could say that it has many states.由于这种代码在测试期间不断的往回传递信息给自身,可以说这种代码有多种状态。

3.Unfortunately the tutor teacher decided I was one of the candidates to be the runner, and he decided to give us a quiz.不幸的是我成了传信员的候选人之一。导师决定给我一个难题猜猜。

4.But if I only asked questions pke this they would soon become trite and boring. More quiz show than presentation.但如果我只问这种简单的问题,听众很快就会觉得无聊了。

5.What do people do during the winter festival of Christmas? How much do you know about Christmas ? Find out with our festive quiz.圣诞假期人们会做些什么?你了解多少的圣诞知识?快来看看我们的节日测试吧。

6.He might well become the subject of the ultimate quiz question: which man has led both the United States and China into global battle?他可能成为一道最佳的竞赛题目:是谁将美国队和中国队带入世界杯决赛圈?

7.Try the quiz! Let's see how much you know about Chinese movies and Chinese actors.试试看,你对中国电影以及中国演员到底有多了解?

8.The quiz must be able to be graded once submitted and the user info along with quiz scores must be stored in a database.测验必须能够提出并进行分级一次测验成绩的同时,必须的用户信息存储在数据库中。

9.Try the small science quiz below to see if you know any better.试试下面的科普知识小测验,看看你是否懂得多一点。

10.Does this sound pke you? Worried you might have compulsive shopping tendencies? Take this quick quiz to see how you fare.这听上去跟你有点儿像?担心自己可能有了强迫性购物倾向?做做这个快速测试来看看自己的结果吧。