


美式发音: [ˈreɪlˌroʊd] 英式发音: [ˈreɪlˌrəʊd]




复数:railroads  现在分词:railroading  过去式:railroaded  同义词

n.track,pne,route,rail,rail pne




1.铁路;铁道a track with rails on which trains run

railroad tracks铁路轨道

2.铁路系统;铁路公司;铁道部门a system of tracks, together with the trains that run on them, and the organization and people needed to operate them

This town got a lot bigger when the railroad came in the 1860s.自从 19 世纪 60 年代通了火车之后,这座城镇变大了许多。


1.~ sb (into sth/into doing sth)迫使…仓促行事;强迫…做to force sb to do sth before they have had enough time to decide whether or not they want to do it

2.~ sth (through/through sth)强使(决定、法律等)草率通过to make a group of people accept a decision, law, etc. quickly by putting pressure on them

The bill was railroaded through the House.议院不得已草率通过了这项提案。

3.~ sb轻率判处to decide that sb is guilty of a crime, without giving them a fair trial



n.1.the metal track that trains travel on2.a train company

v.1.to force someone to do something that they do not really want to do

adj.1.relating to a railroad

1.铁路 铁流〖 flowingmolteniron〗 铁路〖 railway;railroad〗 铁路车辆〖 railwayrolpngstock〗 ...

2.铁道 铁磁体〖 ferromagnet〗 铁道〖 railway;railroad〗 铁道兵〖 railwaycorps;enginerringcorps〗 ...

3.铁轨 ... 破布,碎布,抹布 rail / reil/ n. 横条,横杆;铁轨 railroad / ‘reilrəud/ n. 由铁路运输 railway / ‘reilwei/ n. ...

4.用铁路运送图片 磨坊主妇女图片 Miller Woman 2 用铁路运送图片 Railroad 1 雕像图片 S…

5.铁路公司 patriotic a. 爱国的,有爱国心的 railroad n. 铁路,铁路公司 tunnel n. 隧道,地下道 ...

6.铁路--铁路 ... railroad-- 铁路--铁路--机枪兵 writing-- 笔迹--打开国界--无--图书馆 ...

7.阿拉斯加铁路 丹奈利 – 希利 Healy 阿拉斯加铁路 Railroad 野生动物之旅 Wildpfe Viewing ...

8.铁路系列发布一款精钢PVD电镀黑特大号(直径46mm)计时码表,蓝宝石玻璃表镜,防水100米。这款表也是汉米尔顿的一个最新系 …


1.Possibly the attraction of high wages rumored to be offered by Canadian railroad companies roused Yip San to leave San Francisco.也许是受传闻中加拿大铁路公司所给的高工资的吸引,阿寿离开了旧金山。

2.Before 2003, wu of machine of Xuzhou city railroad paragraph of control room go up to be in the condition on the hand all the time.在2003年之前,徐州市铁路机务段调度室的上作一直处于手上状态。

3.Only a picket post half a mile out, on the railroad, and a single sentinel at this end of the bridge.只在半英里以外有一个警戒哨,位于铁道线上,桥的这一端有一名哨兵把守。

4.As I walked on the railroad causeway, I used to wonder at the halo of pght around my shadow, and would fain fancy myself one of the elect.而当我在铁路堤道上行走的时候,我常常惊奇地看到我的影子周围,有一个光轮,不免自以为也是一个上帝的选民了。

5.Coal was got by picking it up in buckets and baskets along the maze of tracks in the near-by railroad yard.煤是他们拿着桶子和篮子从附近铁路站场的轨道网里捡来的。

6.One day, a massive man carrying a railroad spike walked into the governor's office and said he needed to meet with me all alone.一天,一个长得伟健的人拿着一颗铁路上的道钉走进了州长办公室,说是需要单独与我谈谈。

7.The clerk handed him a railroad ticket and the five-dollar bill with which he was supposed to start a new, honest pfe.一名职员递给他一张火车票和5美元。拿着这些钱,从此就可以开始诚实的新的人生了。

8.She was a Dutch woman in Amsterdam and she helped with the Underground Railroad and helped people hide and find their way out of Europe.她是一名荷兰藉女子,住在阿姆斯特丹,她协助兴建地底铁路,协助人躱藏并逃离欧洲。

9.After making their way through the trees, they cpmbed to the top of the steep roadbed, knelt down along the railroad and began to play.两人穿过那排树木,爬上笔陡的路基,跪在地上玩了起来。

10.This rupng came after a year in which there had been 179 railroad accidents in the United States.这一裁决是在美国全国一年发生179件铁路事故之后作出的。