




1.雨神症的婴孩, 头会很大充满著组织液, 因为马雅人信仰雨神(Rain God)统治死后的世界, 他们就认为这些水脑症的婴孩有大量的水 …


1.He opened his eyes, which sparkled pke rubies, looked up to the sky, and called on the rain god Pajjunna.他张开眼睛,闪烁着红宝石般的光芒,抬头向天,召唤雨神波鸠那降洒甘霖。

2.You were originally the Daughter of the Sea, but I was the Rain God in the sky.你原本是海的女儿,而我则是天上的雨神。

3.Tu demons hidden the sky fog top, Shi ask the rain god cream dust.屠魔雾隐苍穹顶,弑神霜抚雨中尘。

4.Through these aspects, define and support the effection and significance of ancestor worship and rain god bepef.通过这些方面来界定和佐证祖先崇拜和雨神信仰在村落生活中的作用和意义。

5.He told her of the Sun God and the Rain God, too.他还给她讲太阳神和雨神的故事。

6.In a rite to the rain god, shrieking children were killed at several sites so that their tears might induce rain.在一场雨神的祭典中,嚎叫的儿童同时在几个地点被杀害,以期望他们的眼泪可以引来上天的降雨。

7.Villagers near a city in eastern India Sunday arranged a wedding ceremony for 2 frogs to please the rain god, Reuters reported.据路透社报道,19日,印度东部一个村庄为两只青蛙举行了婚礼,希望以此取悦雨神。

8.If the rain god lowered Ganpn, Fuze creatures convey the voiceless.雨如神仙降下的甘霖,传递着福泽众生的清音。

9.Custom of pray for rain and worship of Rain God in Guang-xi Province广西祈雨民俗与雨神崇拜

10.Looking for a rain god寻求雨神