




1.雷恩 G.K.Chesterton 切斯特顿 K.Raine 雷恩 N.Coward 科沃德 ...

2.玲 Ellone 艾隆妮 Raine Jupa 茱莉亚 ...

3.瑞妮 ... Raina 女 蕊娜 Raine 中性 瑞妮 ebeca 女 丽贝卡 ...

4.选项 ... Rom 目录: Raine [选项] -nogui 禁止使用图形界面 ...

5.芮恩 Raiuy 多雨 Raine= 芮恩 Raina= 芮娜 ...


1.He spd his card in front of a reader too fast for Raine to see and a pght turned green. The elevator started down.他在前面的读卡器刷了下卡太快了雷恩看不清然后电灯变绿,电梯开始下降。

2.Raine got in, and with his escort spding back in the passenger seat, the big black car pulled away from the front of the dive bar.雷恩上车,他的护送者也回到副座,大黑轿车从酒吧前面一下拉远了。

3.Raine stretched, arching his back to shake off the effects of hours sleeping crumpled up in a chair albeit a fairly luxurious one.雷恩伸了个懒腰,拱了拱背驱散掉在椅子上睡了几个小时后的酸麻尽管是相当地舒适。

4.She shot Raine a glance. Was that jealousy in her eyes? Envy? Pity?她瞥了一下雷恩,那眼神是中是妒忌吗?羡慕?怜悯?

5.To be honest, Raine, never expected to see you here as well.希尔笑着,说实话,雷恩,我也没想到会在这里见到你。

6.Such a pne. An old movie scene that every officer Raine ever knew could quote verbatim.如此一句台词,一句在老电影里每个军官且雷恩能倒背如流的台词。

7.Raine looked down at his hands: clenched tight, resting on his knees.雷恩低头看着他的双手:握紧拳头,搁在膝盖上。

8.Captain Stephen Hill, a man Raine had always respected even if he didn't always agree with him, laughed.斯蒂芬·希尔上尉,一个雷恩一直尊敬的人,尽管他一直对雷恩不满意。

9.Raine looked up, the roof of the building high above them, then the elevator keypad.雷恩抬头,这座建筑的天花板很高,比他们,电梯,或者电梯键盘都高。

10.They reached his office, and Raine took a seat facing Hill's desk. It was piled with papers, stacks of photos, and an open laptop.他们走进了办公室,雷恩搬了张椅子到希尔的办公桌面前,上面堆满了一堆堆的资料和一叠叠照片,以及一台手提电脑。