





5.心小丞爱 学会乖 orz 心小丞爱 Rainie 独 loveShow 4-16 ...

6.可爱教主之称的杨丞琳有可爱教主之称的杨丞琳( Rainie),昨日穿上性感 tube dress到中环出席护肤品活动,大骚事业线。 Rainie笑言衣服很紧,胸部的肉 …

7.杨丞琳搞笑片段杨丞琳搞笑片段( rainie)by kelvin2001038 575 views 0:58 新成员辣椒仔-吴家润.flvby 智 怡 155 views 0:34 男人帮2011全球百 …


1.It is the story of a tattoo artist (Leong) and her relationship with another girl, played by the Taiwanese idol Rainie Yang.影片讲述的是一位文身师(梁洛施饰)与另一位女孩(由台湾偶像杨丞琳扮演)的同性之恋。

2.The drama series also starred Rainie Yang so this year I will be very busy promoting the new movie and the Taiwanese series.这部连续剧还主演的杨丞琳杨因此这个赛季,我将会很忙推动新电影和台湾大赛。

3.And of course, we are here to give you the prettiest and latest pictures of Rainie as a christmas present! !当然要送上丞琳最漂亮的照片给大家当礼物了!!

4.Rainie "Okay! let me announce it, if you win do you want a hug from me? "杨丞琳:「好啦,我先讲啦,你得奖需要我给你一个拥抱吗?」

5.Rainie says, "I want to ask Joseph, what does a director mean to you? "艺人杨丞琳:「我想问一下孝全,导演对你来说是什麽?」

6."I'm worried that people will think I communicate this way, " Mr. Rainie said.“我担心人们会认为我是通过这种方式进行联系的。”雷尼说。

7.Short-hair Rainie, had the aura all around her.一头短发的杨丞琳,看起来颇有气场。

8.In the show, Apen wanted to make a fool out of Rainie, so when she was sleeping he puts her on a floating board and into the pool;在剧中,耿烁怀(小鬼饰)为了要整林晓如(杨丞琳饰),于是趁她熟睡时,将她放在游泳池中的浮板上;

9.The Reason To Resist Rainie反对杨丞琳的原因