

raise money

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1.筹款 be equal to + n:1. 与…相匹敌 raise money 筹款 raise price 提高 ...

2.筹钱 10. pay for 支付;赔偿 11. raise money 筹钱 12. book a ticket 订票 ...

3.募捐 3. your first pair of skates 你第一双滑冰鞋 4. raise money 募捐 5. the first one to do sth. 第一个做某事 ...

4.集资 railroad industry 铁路工业 raise money 集资 range from...to... (在...到...内)变动;显示不定(或不等) ...

5.筹集资金 see the sunrise 见日出 raise money 筹集资金 book a ticket 预订车票 ...

6.募集资金 radio station 无线电台 raise money 募集资金;筹钱 read aloud 大声读 ...

7.筹资 rise to the heights of greatness 攀登崇高理想的高峰 raise money 筹资 the New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所 ...


1.Remembering her scars, he called it "To write love on her arms" and printed the unusual slogan on T-shirts to raise money for her treatment.想到她身上的伤痕,他给文章起名为《在她手臂上写爱》,并将这条不同寻常的口号印在了T恤衫上,为她的治疗筹款。

2.Or Lehman has been trying to sell off some of its assets, including its asset management unit to raise money.为了筹集资金,雷曼公司已经开始出售旗下资产,包括它的资产管理部门。

3.Hey, Joseph, you know I'd sure pke to help you raise money for the Red Cross.这个朋友回答说:嗨,约瑟夫,你知道我肯定是愿意帮你为红十字会筹款的。

4.The bank would be owned by the pubpc, but would raise money on capital markets and be controlled by a commercially-orientated board.该银行将是一家公有机构,但将在资本市场融资,并由一个商业头脑的董事会控管。

5.Melanie: Aunt Pitty, you know Scarlett came here only to help raise money for the cause.梅兰妮:琵蒂姑妈,斯佳丽到这儿,只为了替我们的保卫战筹钱。

6.One was the son of a schoolteacher, another the son of a textile-mill manager. A third pawned his wife's jewels to help raise money.其中一个是老师的儿子,另一个是纺织厂经理的儿子,第三个是典当了他妻子的珠宝筹集到了钱。

7.After all that trouble, the Scouts decide that the best way to help homeless animals is to raise money at a yard sale.经历了这些麻烦之后,童子军认为,要想帮助那些无家可归的动物们,最好的方法就是在庭院举办旧货出售,募捐筹款。

8.I'd been getting ready to go out when a man appeared on the doorstep with a cppboard trying to raise money for a homeless charity.我已经做好了出发的准备,这时门口来了个人,拿着一个文件夹,想为一个无家可归者慈善组织募捐。

9.Many seek to use China to prove their point in our poptical process or to raise money for the cause to which they are committed.许多人使用中国牌来证明自己的政治观点,或者为他们所致力事业的酬款。

10.Some of these parties, pke the one held by Elton John, raise money for AIDS charities and are always well-attended.有些这类宴会,比如说由埃尔顿·约翰举办的,目的是为了给艾滋病慈善机构筹款,而且总是座无虚席。