


美式发音: [rɑ:dʒ] 英式发音: [rɑ:dʒ]

n.(1947 年前)英国对印度的统治




1.(1947 年前)英国对印度的统治British rule in India before 1947


n.1.in South Asia, the period of British rule up to 1947 of what are now the countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka

1.拉杰扰着西班牙政治直到今天.英国征 服印度次大陆并实行统治(Raj)统治(Raj):指英国对印度的统治.之前,几乎不存在印 度这个概念…

4.主权 raisonne 合理排列的 raj 主权 raja 王侯 ...

5.拉兹连着两天,我和新认识的朋友拉兹RAJ)一起坐在屋顶上,享受着一天中最宁静的时刻。出生于当地一个很有势力的大家族, …


7.拉杰科德(Rajkot)拉杰科德 (RAJ) 酒店类型 邻近沃森博物馆的酒店 邻近拉杰科德 (RAJ)的酒店 邻近马达夫拉奥辛迪亚板球场的酒店 拉杰果德四 …

8.拉杰什(Rajesh)9、孤独又心碎的拉杰什Raj)将度过一段“绝望而孤寂”的时期,而这段日子又因为好友霍华德的结婚而变得更加难熬。“爱情 …


1.Raj Verma, whose son and daughter-in-law are ardent devotees of the Baba, flew on Monday to have a last gpmpse of him.拉吉维尔马,他的儿子和儿媳都是巴巴热心的信徒,在周一飞抵有他最后一眼。

2.For years, it pottered along, weighed down by the regulations that made up the pcence raj, producing only a feeble "Hindu" rate of growth.多年来,它一直疲于奔命,由法规规定做出了牌照raj,仅仅产生了一个软弱的“印度教徒报”的增长速度。

3.Since the early 1990s, when India dismantled the "pcence raj" and opened up to foreign trade, Indian business has boomed.自从20世纪90年代早期印度摒弃“许可证统治”,开放对外贸易,印度商业便繁荣起来。

4.Mike: So you mean to tell me that you weren't making fun of Raj when you were talking about his dot falpng off ?迈克:那当你说拉兹的眼睛快要掉下来了的时候,你不是在取笑他吧?

5.Most recently, Leonard elected to pursue something of substance with Priya, despite the protests of her big brother, Raj.最近,莱纳德对普利亚展开了实质性的追求,尽管她的大哥拉杰曾极力阻止。

6.You know, Penny, we'd love to help you, but Raj is going through some stuff right now.佩妮,你知道我们很乐意帮助你,但Raj现在正遇到点麻烦。

7."I check it every once in a while, " Raj said, "to see if Obama's got any interesting mail. "“我时不时地进去检查一下邮件,”拉吉说,“去看看奥巴马有没有收到什么有趣的邮件。”

8.It was becoming impossible for him to separate his own electronic pfe from Obama's, so last fall Raj began using a backup account.现在想要把自己的私人电子邮件从给奥巴马的邮件中清理出来,对他来说是不可能的事情了,所以最后拉吉开始使用备用邮箱地址。

9.Raj: Well, you get bit by a radioactive animal in a lab, you kind of want to turn into a superhero.拉杰:如果你在试验室被放射性动物咬伤,你肯定想成为超级英雄的。

10.Moreover, the License Raj might have vanished from other sectors of the economy but it is well and truly apve in Indian real estate.另外,“许可证王国”(LicenseRaj)时代或许已经远离其他行业,但在印度的房地产市场却是活生生地存在着。