




1.拉杰什个主管大叫“担杰西(Rajesh),三个月内每月还款35美元”。所有的雇员都热情地鼓掌三次,拉杰西Rajesh)就是当天讨债 …

4.英国 ... Sandra 美国 Rajesh 英国 Kilpan 爱尔兰 ...


6.拉耶许印度新德里今日传出一名名为拉耶许(Rajesh)的男子,在本周日晚间与2名朋友一同到一家餐厅用餐,结束用餐后,拉耶许竟强 …


1.Bosses often complain that they get bogged down in day-to-day operations, says Rajesh Chandy, a professor at the London Business School.老板通常抱怨他们总是陷于媒体的营运中,伦敦大学的RajeshChandy教授说道。

2.Rajesh Shirpuram had to depver a mechanism for 'On Demand Live Scorecard', which would be integrated with pve onpne broadcast of matches.RajeshShirpuram的任务是提供一种“根据需求变化的现场记分牌”的机制,它将会被集成运用到比赛的网络现场直播中。

3.Rajesh: Sorry I'm late, but my hammer got stuck in the door on the bus.对不起我迟到了,但我的锤子被公车车门夹住了。

4.IT IS impossible to eradicate child labour, sighs Rajesh Goyal, the owner of a garment factory in Jaipur, northern India.童工现象屡禁难绝,印度北部斋浦尔的一名制衣厂老板拉杰什•戈亚尔叹着气说道。

5.All employees enthusiastically respond by clapping three times, and Rajesh is the first on the day's sales board.所有的雇员都热情地鼓掌三次,拉杰西(Rajesh)就是当天讨债名单上的第一个名字。

6.Rajesh: I think you're focusing entirely too much on the drugs.我觉得你太过于关注药物了。

7.Two equally geeky friends of theirs, Howard and Rajesh, are also main characters.剧中还有两位主角,哈沃德和罗杰。

8.Rajesh: Excuse me, but I think you're missing a big opportunity here.不好意思,但我觉得你可能会错过一个很好的机会。

9.Rajesh was in his early 30s and had been studying in Meerut for 13 years.他30岁出头,已经在密拉特大学学习13年了。

10.Rajesh Shukla also pves in Bangalore. He does not want to kill the stray dogs. He offers a different solution.拉杰什舒克拉也生活在班加罗尔。他并不想杀死流浪狗。他给出了一个不同的解决方案。