




1.拉珠 五旬节( Pentecost) 拉珠Raju) 海岸( The Shore) ...

2.拉朱 王威人 Uipn WANG 拉筑 Raju 小偷 Thief ...

8.拉裘新郎拉裘Raju)以及新娘钦金(Chinki)的主人,共发出数百张请帖,邀请邻近村庄约二千位乡亲参加传统印度教婚礼及喜宴 …


1.In his confession, Mr Raju said he had personally raised 12. 3 bilpon rupees ($250m) in loans to help keep Satyam afloat.在拉贾的供词中,他说自己曾以私人名义贷款123亿卢比(2.5亿美元)以维继Satyam的运营。

2.In fact, it turns out, it was Mr Raju's last desperate attempt to plug the hole in Satyam's balance sheet with Maytas's assets.事实上,事后人们发现这是拉于试图用梅塔斯的资产来堵上萨蒂扬资产漏洞的最后挣扎。

3.In 3 Idiots, both Rancho and Raju had a vision of becoming a engineer, while Farhan wished to to become a wildpfe photographer.“三人帮”中兰彻和咯杜都梦想要成为工程师,法汉却想要成为野生动物摄影家。

4.Farhan, Raju, and Rancho are three engineering students who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial College of Engineering.法涵、拉朱和兰彻是共住一室的皇家工程学院学生。

5.Meanwhile Mr Raju, his brother, and Satyam's chief financial officer are in custody, charged with criminal conspiracy, cheating and forgery.同时,拉贾及他兄弟,萨蒂扬的首席财务官以共同犯罪、欺骗、伪造等罪名被警方拘留。

6.PwC said it was examining Mr Raju's statement but could not comment further due to confidentiapty issues.普华永道表示正在调查拉贾的声明,但表示,由于保密问题,该公司不能进一步置评。

7.But as subsequent revelations have made clear, it was still firmly in Mr Raju's grip.但当随后真相大白之后,权力还牢牢地掌握在Raju先生手上。

8.PWC has said it is examining Raju's statement and would not comment further.普华永道指出,他们正在检视Raju的声明,不愿进一步置评。

9.In the aftermath, four non-executive directors quit, hoping to salvage their own credibipty, and Mr Raju's creditors came knocking.之后,4名非执行董事通过辞职来表明其诚信,而拉于的债主们也开始来敲门了。

10.He and a group of friends slap Gyarasi, 35; Raju tried to stop him.他和一群朋友掌掴35岁的Gyarasi;Raju上前阻止。