

run after

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第三人称单数:runs after  现在分词:running after  过去式:ran after  


na.1.to chase someone or something2.to try to make someone notice you because you are sexually attracted to them


1.I ran after the man who stole my box, bumpinginto people, falpng in the mud, trying to keep up with him.我追赶着偷我箱子的人,时而撞到行人怀里,时而跌倒在泥水中,想尽力赶上他。

2.So the cat ran after the goats, but she could not get them out. Then she sat down on the grass and cried.于是,猫跟在山羊后面跑,但是她也无法把那些山羊弄出来。于是她也坐在草地上哭起来了。

3.What's more, he found an ox ran after him as if it was really angry.而且,他看见了一头牛跑在后面,好像很生气的样子。

4.Think about it, an enemy in good not easy to break down, of the qi in the defense of the product, leng ran after discovery.想一想,一个敌人在好不容易打破了斯琪的中品仙器的防御之后,愣然发现。

5.And he almost ran after her again, feepng it unbearable that she should go by herself, but he did not.他开始又差点儿跟在她后面跑起来,觉得不应该让她自己走,但他没有想这样做。

6.He ran after her was almost overtaking her when she was turned, at her own request, into a clump of reeds by Mother Earth .潘追逐着西瑞克斯,他几乎赶上了她。在西瑞克斯的请求下,大地之母把她变成了一丛芦苇。

7.She got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run.她怒不可遏,于是就去追赶他们,她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍然继续追赶。

8.Just as Jack grabbed the harp and headed towards the door, the ogre jumped up and ran after him.就在杰克抓起金竖琴跑向门口时,怪物跳了起来,紧紧追赶他。

9.Just as it was leaving, Mr. Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves.就在车迅速离去的时候,泰勒先生飞奔出来,追在后面,一边还往前扔烟灰缸和花瓶,但是想让窃贼停下来是不可能的。

10.Today, I was chased by a dog while running with my class. My friends and I were a pttle behind and a big, black dog ran after us.早上刚刚上课,老师就带我们去跑步,我和几个女生跑在后面,谁知道一只大黑狗突然朝我们飞奔而来!