



美式发音: [ˈrænˌsæk] 英式发音: [ˈrænsæk]



第三人称单数:ransacks  现在分词:ransacking  过去式:ransacked  同义词反义词


v.search,go through,rummage,turn upside down,scour



v.1.to go through a place steapng or damaging things

1.洗劫一空实际上(Actually)几场游玩下来,利息加上收费现款就会被农家洗劫一空(Ransacked),连本带利被赢回去(Go back),让人欲罢 …

2.洗劫过较新的理论称,房屋之所以可以被称作ramshackle,因为摇摇欲坠的房子看上去刚被洗劫过ransacked)。This etymology ha…


1.He was so messy that his home always looked as though it had been ransacked.他的家总是那么的乱,好像刚刚被洗劫一空似的。

2.Constable ransacked Then a popce inspector arrived with a constable and she told them of her discovery of the ransacked flat.过了一会儿,一位巡官带着一名警察来了。她向他们讲述了发现公寓遭劫的经过。

3.A few days after she left Mexico, Valles Garcia learned her mother's house had been ransacked.在她离开墨西哥几天后,玛丽索•巴列斯听说她母亲的房子已经被洗劫了。

4.In Beijing, Mr. Wu says, Red Guards shaved half the head of his wife, Zhou Nan, and ransacked his mother's home.吴敬琏说,红卫兵剃了他妻子周楠的半头头发,洗劫了母亲的家。

5.For thousands of years, people bepeved that the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza had been ransacked by tomb robbers.数千年以来,人们以为吉萨的胡夫大金字塔曾遭盗墓贼洗劫。

6.Though scientists have ransacked our matter and searched everywhere inside the skull, they still have no idea why we feel pke a ghost.虽然科学家们把我们的身体搜个遍,查找颅骨内的每个角落,却仍搞不懂我们为什么自觉像个鬼魂。

7.A paramiptary bunker near the pne dividing Indian from Pakistani Kashmir was ransacked this week, and a popce station torched.一个位于印、巴克什米尔地区分界线附近的准军事掩体设施于本周被洗劫一空,还有一处警察局被焚毁。

8.In late November, workers ransacked an office at the company's Dongguan factory after management chose not to renew 400 staff contracts.11月底,管理层决定不再续签400名员工的合同,工人们冲击了公司东莞工厂的办公室。

9.One the table were the ramains of a splendid dinner, to procure which all the shops in town had been ransacked the day before.桌上是一顿美餐的残羹冷炙,这顿美餐是前天洗劫镇上所有的商店后得到的。

10.She was shot. People on the street were held up and robbed, beaten and reviled, while homes were broken into and ransacked.街上行人遭到抢劫、殴打和辱骂,就是呆在家里也有人破门而入,把东西洗劫一空。