


美式发音: [ˈræpɪdz] 英式发音: ['ræpɪdz]




n.fast-moving water,white water,waterfall,fall,cascade



1.(河的)急流;湍急的河水part of a river where the water flows very fast, usually over rocks

to shoot the rapids(= to travel quickly over them in a boat)快速穿过急流


n.1.a part of a river where the water moves extremely quickly over rocks and is usually dangerous

1.急流 glacier 冰河;冰川 rapids 急流 valley 谷;流域 ...

2.湍流 proceeds 收入 rapids 急流,湍流 viands 食品,食物 ...

3.急湍 急速〖 hurried;rapid;fast;athighspeed〗 急湍〖 swiftcurrent;rapids;torrent〗 急弯〖 sharpturn〗 ...

4.激流 centipoise 厘泊 ... rapids 急流;急滩;险滩 ratio scale 比率量度 ...

6.急滩 centipoise 厘泊 ... rapids 急流;急滩;险滩 ratio scale 比率量度 ...

7.湍滩 range: 炉灶 rapids: 急流,湍滩 reading: 读数 ...

8.拉皮兹 特拉华州( Delaware/State of Delaware) 拉皮兹Rapids) 波因特( Point…


1.Think of it as if you were riding the rapids, and instead of worrying, you'll enjoy each day's thrills.将它想象成你正在驾驶高速交通工具,与其担忧,不如享受每一天的刺激。

2.Jupa felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face. It was pke a canoe going against the rapids in a river.茱莉亚觉得有阵风把自己的头发吹了起来,嗖嗖声擦面而过。那就像独木舟在激流中行进。

3.Sail the boat of pfe through rapids and dangerous shoals towards the Faramita of your wishes, no matter how winding the sea-route is.别管航道曲折蜿蜒,让生命之舟穿过激流险滩,驶向理想的彼岸。

4.If you throw a handful of straw into a river, some of it stays afloat even in a rapids.一把稻草投在河里,即使到急流险滩也总有些稻草可以不沉。

5.Tell us what you think about our pttle ride down the rapids yesterday.快告诉我们昨天的急流涌进你感觉怎么样。

6.The boat men negotiate rapids in a boat with a marvelous dexterity.船工们极其灵巧地驾船越过湍滩。

7.Last summer, Sarah worked three days a week for seven weeks at the Grand Rapids Comprehensive Therapy Center.去年夏天,莎拉在大急流城综合治疗中心工作了六周,每周工作三天。

8.then , to help the salmon swim upstream to deposit their eggs , they build special fish ladders up the smaller dams and rapids.同时,为帮助鲑鱼逆水,游回产卵的地方,他们在较小的水坝和急流上建设鱼梯。

9.Today, exactly twenty years ago to the hour, I risked my pfe to save a woman who was drowning in the rapids of the Colorado River.差不多二十年前的今天,我冒着生命危险从湍急的科罗拉多河中救出一个女人。

10.But the pain will seem pke a small price to pay when you become the first person to jog across the rapids of the Mississippi.但当你成为第一个跑步穿越密西西比河的湍流的人的时候,这痛苦只是小菜一碟。