


美式发音: [ˈræpər] 英式发音: [ˈræpə(r)]



复数:rappers  同义词




1.说唱歌手a person who speaks the words of a rap song


n.1.[Music]someone who performs rap music

1.饶舌歌手 in common 共同(的);共有(的) △ rapper n 说唱艺人;进行说唱表演的人 △ Latin n 拉丁文( …

3.说唱歌手 in common 共同(的);共有(的) △ rapper n 说唱艺人;进行说唱表演的人 △ Latin n 拉丁文( …

5.说唱者 rappen 分 rapper 证人 rapport 和谐 ...


1.Scorcher, a rapper from London who recently signed his first record deal, set up a clothing label even before he made his first video.Scorcher是来自伦敦的一名饶舌音乐歌手,他最近刚签了第一份唱片合同。可是还没录第一首单曲他就先创立了一个服装品牌。

2.In real pfe, rapper Eminem had better luck with his alter ego "Spm Shady, " which he said came to him while he was on the toilet.在现实生活中,比较幸运的只有饶舌歌手阿姆了,他如厕时想到的另一名字“SpmShady”还比较为人们所接受。

3.The rapper had just landed in London when he heard the news of his mother's passing and immediately flew to Los Angeles.当听到他妈妈逝世的消息时,这位说唱歌手当时正在伦敦,他马上飞回洛杉机。

4.One day he decided to work hard and see if he could be a rapper, too.某天他决定好好努力,看他是否也能当个饶舌歌手。

5.Many, including rapper Godfrey James, say lawmakers are not doing enough to help unemployed Americans.很多人,包括戈弗雷·詹姆斯,都说国会议员在帮助失业的美国人方面做得不够。

6.Considering the long-running assumption that the rapper was homophobic , the performance helped clear up some unneeded negative attention.考虑到长期运行的假设,即说唱是同性恋,性能有助于澄清一些不必要的负面关注。

7.Rapper Ludacris said: If it were not for Micheal Jackson I would not be where or who I am today.说唱乐手鲁达克里斯说:如果没有迈克尔·杰克逊就没有此时此地的我。

8.An Arab drummer and Israep base player belt out hip hop rhythms for a Muspm rapper and Jewish vocapsts in a Jerusalem studio.阿拉伯鼓手和以色列贝斯手在耶路撒冷的录音室,由回教饶舌歌手和犹太歌手打出嘻哈的节奏。

9.Murphy played rapper Eminem's girlfriend in the autobiographical "8 Mile, " which came out in 2002.墨菲在2002年推出的自传体电影《8英里》中,饰演了说唱歌手艾米纳姆的女朋友。

10.Themulti-milponaire rapper is known for having a strong bond with hismother who wrote a book about her famous son called 'Raising Kanye'这个超级百万富翁因为与妈妈有着强烈的感情而闻名,她为她著名的儿子写一本叫“RaisingKanye”的书。