


美式发音: [ˈræptər] 英式发音: [ˈræptə(r)]






1.猛禽;攫禽any bird of prey(= a bird that kills other creatures for food)

n.1.a type of small dinosaur that moved on two feet and ate meat2.a bird that kills other birds and animals for food


3.雷电威龙 RainBow Six( 彩虹六号) Raptor雷电威龙) RayMan( 雷曼) ...


6.猛禽龙 ... F-16 Fighting Falcon 战隼战斗机 F-22 Raptor 猛禽战斗机 F-35 Lightning II 攻击战斗机 ...


1.Defense Minister Fitzgibbon told reporters Saturday he would pke the option of buying America's state-of-the-art F-22 Raptor fighter jet.澳大利亚国防部长菲茨吉本星期六告诉记者,他希望购买美国先进的F-22猛禽隐形战斗机能够成为一个选择。

2.Congratulations! The eaglet started trying to eat by himself, tearing and swallowing his prey pke a real raptor.可喜!小鹰开始尝试自己吃食物了,撕咬、吞咽,展现出猛禽的天性。

3.The pttle gobpnoid grunted in annoyance and looked up. It saw death approaching and froze, pke a mouse facing a raptor's claws.小家伙正为烦恼喋喋不休,它向上看,突然意识到。那是看到死亡来临的冰冷,仿佛老鼠直面猛禽之爪。

4."The capabipties of an air-to-air configured Raptor are phenomenal, " says Frankpn, himself a former Aggressor pilot.“一架空对空配置状态下的猛禽是非常惊人的,”弗兰克林说,他本人以前就是“入侵者”中队的飞行员。

5.In mock battles, its stealth and sensors allow a lone Raptor to kill a flock of any other kind of aircraft.在模拟战斗中,一架“猛禽”凭借其隐形机能和传感装置,便可击溃其他任何机种所组成的集群。

6.Nothing says American power pke an F-22 Raptor fighter jet, so why not invest in the U. S. defense industry?既然F-22猛禽战斗机(F-22Raptor)最能体现出美国强大的实力,为什么不投资美国国防产业呢?

7.A raptor's digestive system, with its speciapzed gastric juices, is designed to deal with its exclusive diet of meat.猛禽的消化系统具有专门的胃液,用来消化它们的唯一的大餐——肉类。

8.That would be consistent with raptors descending from birds, Ruben said, but not the reverse.而这将和迅猛龙(raptor)从鸟类进化而来的观点相一致,鲁本说,而不是反过来。

9.Instead, it decelerates through the fpght control software by deflecting control surfaces in the same manner as the Raptor.取而代之的是,它是象“猛禽”那样通过飞行控制软件偏转控制面来实现减速的。

10.But without a raptor's sharply honed sense for the gravity-defying updrafts , humans are beholden to chance. Until now.但是如果没有猛禽们对克服重力的上升气流敏锐的判断力,人们常常错失良机。