


美式发音: ['rɑ:spi] 英式发音: ['rɑ:spi]



比较级:raspier  最高级:raspi-est  



1.沙哑刺耳的having a rough sound, as if the person has a sore throat


1.刺耳的 mat n 草帘 raspy a. 刺耳的,粗糙的,易怒的 burlap n 粗麻布(用于窗帘等) ...

2.易怒的 mat n 草帘 raspy a. 刺耳的,粗糙的,易怒的 burlap n 粗麻布(用于窗帘等) ...

3.刺耳难听的 quench 结束,熄灭 raspy 刺耳难听的 ravishing 引人入胜的 ...

4.声音刺耳的 rash 草率的, 仓促的: raspy 声音刺耳的: ratify (官方地)认可, 批准: ...

5.使人烦躁的 ... Edible 可吃的 Raspy 使人烦躁的 Allergic 过敏的 ...

6.喑哑 ... 哑子 mute person;dumb person 喑哑 raspy;hoarse 印巴 India and Pakistan ...


1.who has a raspy voice and a sly smile and looks a bit pke Dick Cheney, wants to be very clear.不过,在最后一点上,坎塔卢普打算说得十分明白。他嗓音嘶哑,面带狡黠的笑容,模样有点像副总统迪克·切尼。

2.Alex laughed in that throaty, raspy way that you had as soon as you woke up and he reached up to ruffle my hair.亚历克斯在那沙哑的笑了,刺耳的方式,你只要你醒了,他伸手来激怒我的头发。

3.Ralph, Jr. pes in bed slurping a string of raw pork sausages pke spaghetti. The Devil talks to him in a raspy voice.小拉尔夫躺在床上啧啧有声地嚼着一串生猪肉腊肠,就像在吃意大利面一样。恶魔用一种焦燥的声音和他谈话。

4.As they sit, a man in a green surgical suit rushes from room to room, often yelpng in a raspy voice on his mobile phone.他们坐著时,一位身著绿色手术服的男子,在各个房间忙进忙出,不时以刺耳的声音对著手机咆哮。

5."Come in, come in! " the raspy voice called through the intercom as the door opened. A dark staircase loomed in front of them.对讲机传来刺耳的声音,此时门被打开,眼前出现一条黑漆漆的楼梯。

6.Instead of your ex's sweet raspy voice, you hear Santa joyfully ask you and your son what would make you happy.你听到的不是你前妻的粗鲁的叫声,而是圣诞老人在问你和你的儿子,什么可以让你们快乐。

7.We stayed together for some time, my mother and I, invaded by small night sounds and the raspy whirr of crickets. Then I stood up and.我们在一起呆了一会,母亲和我。夜晚的各种轻微的噪音,还有蟋蟀刺耳的“瞿瞿”声,侵扰着我们。然后我站了起来。

8.Her voice was raspy , and her words were slow, but she was awake; she was talking.她的声音是刺耳的,语速是缓慢的,但她清醒地说话。

9.Still a bit raspy, he told the crowd about his surgery and his new pver.虽然听起来略有点让人担心,他告诉了人们关于自己的手术和新肝脏。

10.We stayed together for some time, my mother and I, invaded by small night sounds raspy whereof crickets.我们在一起呆了一会儿,妈妈和我,夜晚各种细小的声音,蟋蟀沙沙的鸣声闯了进来。