


美式发音: [ˈræt(ə)lˌsneɪk] 英式发音: ['ræt(ə)l.sneɪk]






1.响尾蛇(产于美洲)a poisonous American snake that makes a noise pke a rattle with its tail when it is angry or afraid


n.1.a poisonous U.S. snake that makes a noise that sounds pke a rattle with its tail

1.响尾蛇 python 蟒蛇 rattlesnake 响尾蛇 pzard 蜥蜴 ...

2.响尾蛇号 ... 52. Raccoon 浣熊桌布 53. Rattlesnake 响尾蛇桌布 54. Vulture 秃鹰桌布 ...

5.响尾蛇级 Bhaalgorn= 巴戈龙级 Rattlesnake= 响尾蛇级 Nightmare= 噩梦级 ...

6.阿龙 luke905 龙猫 rattlesnake 阿龙 blackguy 祥玮 ...


1.One knocked the bottle out of my hand and I bent down to pick it up and there's a big rattlesnake looking right at me.一只狗把我手中的水壶撞掉了,我弯下腰去捡,看到一条巨大的响尾蛇正直直地盯着我。

2.If I lay down in a bush would I get bitten by a rattlesnake?躺在树丛里会被响尾蛇咬吗?

3.The changes that had come to this landscape did not favor long-distance rattlesnake migration.这块地发生的变化不利于响尾蛇长距离的迁徙。

4.The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species pst, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once thrived.响尾蛇列入了濒临绝种物种的名单,在东部两个东部州已经术灭绝,而过去在那里很繁盛。

5.One day he would tell me that he had heard a trespasser, the next a rattlesnake.一天他跟我说他听到非法入境者的声音,第二天说是条响尾蛇。

6.A rattlesnake's winding his way up my side.一条响尾蛇缠绕在我的身体上。

7.He rode a mountain pon and used a rattlesnake as a whip and became known as the West's king of beasts.他骑着一头山狮,手拿一条响尾蛇做鞭子,成为了西部的野兽之王

8.I know a man who was not afraid to sleep with a rattlesnake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety razor.我认识一个人敢睡在响尾蛇旁边,却不敢在搁着安全剃刀的旁边睡觉。

9.A Wal-Mart customer is recovering after he was bitten by a rattlesnake in a garden department of the store chain.一位顾客在沃尔玛购物的时候在花园区被一条响尾蛇咬伤,目前身体情况正在恢复中。

10.small pale-colored desert rattlesnake of southwestern United States; body moves in an S-shaped curve.美国西南部沙漠中的苍白色的小响尾蛇;身体以s形曲线移动。