



美式发音: [ˈreɪv(ə)n] 英式发音: ['reɪv(ə)n]


v.到处抢劫;往来捕食 (for after);狼吞虎咽地吃



复数:ravens  同义词




v.1.掠夺,到处抢劫 (about)2.往来捕食 (for after)3.狼吞虎咽地吃


n.1.a large bird with shiny black feathers

1.巴尔的摩乌鸦 ... 07 How Many Fools 我是多么的傻 08 Ravens 那些乌鸦 09 The Dark Of The Night 夜的黑 ...

6.上乌鸦  昨日美联决赛是由义士(Patriots)对上乌鸦(Ravens),这两支球队已连续两年相遇,最终主教练约翰-哈伯夫(John Harbaugh)所 …


1.Hardly was the word spoken before he heard a whirring of wings over his head, looked up and saw seven coal-black ravens flying away.话音未落,他听见头顶上传来拍打翅膀的声音。他抬起头,看见七只乌黑乌黑的乌鸦正从头顶飞过。

2.Suddenly she heard a whirring and rushing sound in the air, and the dwarf said, "The lord ravens are flying home now. "忽然,她听到空中传来了翅膀拍击的声音和呱呱的叫声。小矮人马上说道:「我的主人们回来了。」

3."We had 5. 8 milpon in-person visitors in a year, more than twice the attendance of a season of Ravens and Orioles, " Fish said.“我们在一年内有580万访客,是‘渡鸦和猎户座’足球队一个赛季观众人数的两倍之多。”费舍说到。

4.My eyes were drawn upward to the stunning illusion of a trompe l'oeil sky and what I decided must be ravens flying high overhead.我不由自主地向上看水风筒天花板那眼花缭乱的幻影,当时我就想肯定是大乌鸦在头顶的高空飞翔。

5.Muptalo, 32, was one of a handful of players remaining from the Ravens'Super Bowl championship squad of 2000.32岁的马利塔洛是帮助乌鸦队摘得2000赛季超级碗桂冠的阵容中少数依然留队的成员之一。

6.During the debates, it was revealed that the Snow Ravens were responsible for the destruction of the sea fox.在辩论期间,有人透露雪乌鸦要为海狐的毁灭负责。

7.In some parts of the UK meeting two or three Ravens together is considered really bad.在英国的某些地区,见到两三只乌鸦聚会是被认为是相当倒霉的。

8.Nothing stirred over the vast expanse save a pair of ravens, which croaked loudly from a tor behind us.在广大的原野上,除了有一对大乌鸦在我们背后的岩岗上呱呱大叫之外,别无动静。

9.Legend saidthat six ravens must be kept at the Tower of London; if not, the British Empire would fall.传说伦敦塔里必须养六只乌鸦,否则,大英帝国就会衰败。

10.What's more, while young ravens roam far and wide, adult ravens pair up to defend well-defined territories.另外,当年青乌鸦在外面找食物时,成年乌鸦则对他们的领地作好防御。