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网络释义:视网膜母细胞瘤(retinoblastoma);跑卫(Running Back);视网膜母细胞瘤基因




1.铷而Rb)又优於其他硷金属,原因是铷 的 Fermi Contact 大於其它硷金属元素,碰撞截面积较 大,且容易与惰性气分离。此 …

2.视网膜母细胞瘤(retinoblastoma)视网膜母细胞瘤(RB),是儿童最常见的原发性眼内恶性肿瘤,发病率约为1:14000至1:20000,无种族、地域及性别的差异。诊 …

3.跑卫(Running Back)位置卅跑卫RB)、安全卫(S)<游卫(FS)> 背号卅29 身高卅161cm 体重卅53kg 血型卅A 生日卅4月20日 40码冲刺最佳成 …

4.视网膜母细胞瘤基因如视网膜母细胞瘤基因Rb),它编码RB蛋白,当RB蛋白去磷酸化,可阻止转录因子E2F作用,DNA合成减弱,细胞被阻滞 …

5.碱金属铷碱金属铷Rb)-DPALs能级跃迁示意图如下图所示,在二极管泵浦光(780nm)的泵浦下,碱金属原子由基态2S1/2跃迁到激 …


1.RB: There are quite a few DI containers already, what was the motivation by your team in creating Unity?RB:已经有相当多的依赖注入容器,又是什么动机使得你们团队创建了Unity?

2.RB: I was a bit emotional in the conference there and I forgot to say that I dedicate this to the whole of Brazil.RB:我在新闻发布会上有一点激动,我忘了说我要这场胜利献给巴西。

3.RB: Well, at the end of the day I have asked everyone - and nobody gives me a right answer of what I have done and haven't done.嗯,其实我问过每个人了——没有人能给我正确的答案,告诉我哪些比赛我参加了哪些没有参加。

4.RB: Yeah, you know it was a good race because on this circuit it is so easy to put a foot wrong.RB:是的,你们认为这是一场很好的比赛时因为在这条赛道很容易出错。

5.RB: You know, I think it is just a pttle bit too early to say they really have an advantage or that they used to. . .鲁本-巴里切罗:你知道,我认为现在说他们真的具有优势或者是他们过去如何还有些太早。

6.RB: Merb 0. 9 appears to be the next official point release and will be broken up into a Merb-core gem and a package of other gems.Merb0.9作为下一个官方发布版,将会分解为一个Merb-core的gem和一个由其他gem所组成的包。

7.RB: It is amazing, because at the end of the day you think it is the same thing again for the whole time all over again.这很神奇,因为前一天你还在想对整个车队来说同样的事情再次重复。

8.RB: I was a great schoolboy because my father always told me that the only way for me to find sponsors is to have a good record in school.我可是个三好学生哦,因为我爹老念说我找到赞助商的唯一途径就是在学校取得好成绩。

9.RB: I called him and I've already told him, so it's going to be between me and him.我电话过他已经告诉过他了,所以这是我跟他之间的话。

10.RB: Yeah, as it turned out it proved to be the right move. But, yeah, it was sad at the time, but we moved on.理:是啊,现在看来这可真是明智之举但当时可是挺伤心的,但我们的步伐并未因此而停歇