




1.活性氮氨氮排放已与自然固氮作用之产生量相当,即超过一倍之反应性氮(Reactive Nitrogen)物质累积於自然环境中,造成许多环境 …

3.活性氮族 活化碳纤维 activated carbon 活性氮族 reactive nitrogen 海信 hs-312b ...


1.Altogether, such interventions would add up to about 54m tonnes of less reactive nitrogen, about 28% of what was created in 2005.总括起来,这些干预措施大约使活性氮的生产减少5千4百万公吨,相当于2005年活性氮生产量的28%。

2.Reactive nitrogen emissions from agriculture are the most intractable as they come from many diffuse sources.来自农业的活性氮的排放是最棘手的,因为它们的来源很分散。

3.The report says government efforts to control emissions of reactive nitrogen from combustion sources have been more successful.这份报告说,政府为控制来自燃烧来源的活性氮排放而所做的努力,已彰显成效。

4.At the conference, the delegates agreed "The Edinburgh Declaration on Reactive Nitrogen" .在会议上,代表们通过了“活性氮爱丁堡宣言。”

5.The reactive nitrogen in acid rain kills insects and fish in rivers and lakes.酸雨里的活性氮将河和湖里的昆虫和鱼杀死。

6.What is worrying is that the production of reactive nitrogen is set to increase according to most predictions.令人担忧的是,根据大多数预测所示,活性氮的生产还在呈增加趋势。

7.Impacts of biomass burning in Southeast Asia on ozone and reactive nitrogen over the western Pacific in spring东南亚生物量燃烧对春季西太平洋上空臭氧和活性氮的影响

8.Energy, Industry and Nitrogen: Strategies for Decreasing Reactive Nitrogen Emissions能源、工业和氮:降低活性氮排放战略

9.Atmospheric reactive nitrogen concentration and flux budgets at a Northeastern U. S. Forest site一个美国北部森林所在地的大气活性氮浓度和通量收支

10.Florida thunderstorms: A faucet of reactive nitrogen to the upper troposphere佛罗里达雷暴:到上部对流层的活性氮入口