



美式发音: [riˈæktər] 英式发音: [riˈæktə(r)]



复数:reactors  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.steel reactor




n.1.a nuclear reactor

1.反应器 电抗器 Reactors 有载分接开关 On-load tap-changers ...

4.反应堆 reactor vessels( 反应堆容器) reactors( 反应堆) reagents( 试剂) ...

5.反应型 ... Section 19:Reactors化学反应器) Section 20:Alternative Separation Processes (特殊分离过程) ...

7.太空站拆除大队 Removal Man 搬运工人戴维 1.0 Reactors 太空站拆除大队 1.0 Snoopy 的跳跃世界 1.0 ...


1.But utilities seem to be getting better at maintenance; some keep their reactors going more than 90% of the time.不过它在维护方面效用更好一些,一些核反应堆可以在90%以上的时间内连续运行。

2.The country currently has 11 nuclear reactors supplying about 1% of its power, but wants to see that contribution rise to at least 5%.中国目前有11个核反应堆,能源贡献率为1%,但国家希望将其提到高至少5%。

3.He said it would be "very difficult for emergency workers to get near the reactors. "他表示,紧急状况处置者接近反应堆将会是非常困难的。

4.He said the rise could possibly be due to a continuous leak of highly radioactive material from the area around the crippled reactors.他说,水平上升可能是因为受损反应堆周边地区的高放射性物质持续泄漏。

5.'After the large aftershocks of yesterday and today, I've ordered all reactors to have stable access to electricity, ' he said.菅直人说,周一和周二的强烈余震过后,我已经下令所有反应堆都确保能有稳定的电源。

6.One of the reactors was shaken by a jolt nearly two and a half times more powerful than it had been built to withstand.其中一座反应堆所受到的震动,竟然超过其抗震能力近2.5倍。

7.During that period it became clear that a partial meltdown had taken place in at least one of the six reactors.在此期间才清楚,六个反应堆里至少有一个发生了部分的熔毁现象。

8.if you look around the world at heavy water reactors of this size , virtually all of them have been used to make bombs .如果你留意一下全球范围内这一规模的重水反应堆,你就会发现它们几乎全是用来制造炸弹的。

9.And that's one of the disadvantages, these reactors are not designed to be big but are suitable for highly efficient electric production.那是缺点之一,这些反应堆不是要设计的很大,但是要对高效能的,电子生产适合。

10.For the moment, however, injections of seawater appear to have created a modicum of stability inside the cores of the two reactors.但目前海水的注入似乎使两个反应堆的堆芯内部略微稳定下来。