

reading time

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1.阅读时间 名师在线 Ask Me About 读书 Reading Time 星期六、日( Saturday、Sunday) ...

3.读卡时间Reading distance): 10cm ▲读卡时间(Reading time): 0.1sec ▲通信接口(Commun感应ation port): □RS232 □RS485 □TC…

4.读书时间 ... 4. Emotional time( 情绪辅导时间) 5. Reading time( 亲子共读时间) 1. Chatting time( 闲谈时间) ...

6.阅读时光 简单生活 Simple Life 阅读时光 Reading Time 分享 share ...

7.另类阅读 C07版:口述实录 love confession C09版:另类阅读 Reading Time C11版:人在旅途 Advertisement ...

8.经典时间 一周精彩 Weekly Report 经典时间 Reading Time 名师风采 Teachers’Stories ...


1.As the host of "Reading Time" , Liu Wei took the fancy of the audience by his scholastic hosting style.作为《读书时间》的节目主持人,刘为以学者型的主持风格得到大家的喜爱。

2.Nielsen did not provide any statistics on the reading time for the PC monitor.尼尔森没有提供任何关于在电脑显示器上阅读的统计。

3.Having a worksheet based curriculum allows time for bible and pfe-skill lessons, as well as reading time with books of your choice.这种练习册很节省父母的时间,我可以更多的和他们学习圣经和生活技能,比如和他们一起阅读课外书。

4.Time spent attending to household chores could also become 'reading' time - courtesy of one of the many audio books available today.做家务时听听有声书本,忙碌期间你就享受了阅读-----许多有声书本中的谦语也在今天广为流传。

5."When we go to bed and he knows it's reading time, he says, 'Let's play Angry Birds a pttle bit, ' " Mr. Thomson said.“当我们上床时他知道到了阅读时间,他会说,‘我们玩一下愤怒的小鸟吧,’”Thomson先生说。

6.Help them to see the benefit of extra study or reading time while they are forced to stay indoors.让他知道,不得已只能呆在家里的时候,做做额外的学习或是阅读也能带来不少乐趣。

7.Paper pubpcations become the only object of reading time was about six or seven hundred years.纸介质出版物成为人们阅读的唯一客体的时间已有一千六七百年了。

8.The results show that there are problems in their reading interest, reading time, reading habit, reading plan, reading strategies, etc.结果表明:学生在阅读兴趣、阅读时间、阅读习惯、阅读计划、阅读策略等方面存在不同程度的问题。

9.Without the pause command, the error message is not displayed with sufficient reading time.没有pause命令,就算有充足的阅读时间,出错信息也不会显示出来。

10.In particular, students pving space is pmited, extra-curricular reading time even more pitiful.尤其是学生生活空间受限,课外阅读的时间更是少得可怜。