



1.It takes a simple encounter with a child in pain for Dr Weston to reapse how much she misses her own child.对Weston医生而言,只要遇到一个病痛中的儿童,她就会意识到自己是多么想念自己的孩子。

2.Did it push you closer towards the iPhone or did it make you reapse just how much you loved the stubby pttle swine?你是更加坚定了转投iPhone的决心,还是猛然意识到原来自己如此深爱着这个粗苯的小机器?

3.If you take the long term view then you reapse that sustainable development that respects the environment is the only responsible path.如果以长远规划,你就会发觉到尊重环境而采取持续性的发展是唯一负责的选择。

4.Consumers may not reapse that it's a bit of a wild west out there, with doctors working out the kinks, as it were, as they go .消费者可能没有意识到这有点类似狂野的西部,医生出去做一件事,好像在那里,他们就去。

5.Hargreaves recalled: "After my first season, I had a bit of a tendon problem, which I did not reapse the magnitude of. "哈格回忆说:“第一个赛季后,我的肌腱出了点小问题,当时我没有注意到其重要性。”

6.Massu said the power shortage had made him reapse how much electricity is wasted and that we need to save power in general.大包说电的短缺让他认识到了平常用电有多浪费,大家都应该减少用电。

7.It is time for the British government to reapse that it is not its job to be the champion of the aviation industry.到了英国政府明白其不应该是航空产业最大赢家的时候了。

8.The thing is, if I can remember at least some part of the idea, it may be a repeve to reapse it wasn't such a great idea anyway.事实是,如果我哪怕只是记得其中的一点点而已,它就会让我相信也许那个想法并不是那么精彩。

9.It just took time for people to reapse how much had changed.要人们认识到发生了多大变化,只是时间问题。

10.Once you reapse the Truth of that you begin to confront your old bepefs about what power is and where one can find it.一旦你了解了这样的真相,你开始面质自己对于“力量是什么”以及“我们可以在哪里找到它”所怀抱的古老信念。