




1.真的对不起 I'm sorry David.|抱歉 大卫. Really sorry.|真的很抱歉 I'm scared,David.|我好怕,大卫. ...

3.实在抱歉 ... 17.家具齐全 furnitures all ready 18.实在抱歉 really sorry 19.在这个月底 at the end of this month ...

4.非常抱歉 ... really... 非常... really sorry. 非常抱歉 It's all right. 没关系 ...

5.实在是对不起 ... 实在是对不起 Really sorry 我们油脂 WHAT'S THE NEXT QUES ...


1.I am really sorry; I can't go on a binge with you tonight ; you know , I am stone broke .真的对不起,今晚我不能和你一起去狂欢;要知道,我身无分文。

2.I was really sorry to hear that you were sick for so long .听说你病了这么长时间,我真是很难过。

3.If I could just tell her Im sorry, that Im, you know, Im really sorry, and that I didnt mean for any of this to happen.如果我能向她道歉,告诉她,我真的很抱歉,我不想事情变成这样子。

4.Feppe was really unlucky today. It was a coincidence. I feel really sorry for him and I stand by him in everything.马萨今天非常倒霉,但这只是意外,对于这我感到非常遗憾,同时我也会全力支持他。

5.I'm really sorry about turning up for out date last night. Let me take you to dinner tonight to make up for it.非常抱歉,昨晚我失约了,今晚请你吃饭来补偿一下

6.Richard: I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. Let me see what I can do for you.理察:我很抱歉造成您的不便。让我看看能如何帮您处理。

7.So, shamefully, he said to her, "I'm really sorry. It seems that I've eaten all your peanuts - I didn't mean to finish them all. "他很尴尬地对那个寡妇说,‘真的很抱歉,我把你的花生全吃了。

8."Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that, " Stephen said. He resisted the temptation to hug this sweet man.“噢,听到你这么说,我很难过。”斯蒂芬说道。他克制住想拥抱这位和蔼的老人的冲动。

9.He was really sorry for what he bad done. So he opened the door softly and went oun into the garden.巨人非常后悔他从前所做的一切。他轻轻地打开门,走进花园。

10.How time fpes! It seems as if it was only yesterday when you got off the planes. And now you are leaving us. I'm really sorry.时间过的真快,我感觉就像你昨天刚刚才下飞机一样,真遗憾,你现在就要离开我们了。