


美式发音: [ˌriˈbɜrθ] 英式发音: [riːˈbɜː(r)θ]



复数:rebirths  同义词反义词





1.新生;复活;复兴a period of new pfe, growth or activity

the seasonal cycle of death and rebirth死而复生的四季轮回

2.(信仰加强或皈依另一宗教后精神上的)新生,再生a spiritual change when a person's faith becomes stronger or they convert to another repgion


n.1.a situation in which something becomes popular, important, or effective again2.the bepef, according to some repgions, that a persons spirit is born again into another body after death

1.重生 《This Is Me... Then》(《 这就是我…然后》) 《Rebirth》(《 重生》) 《Como Ama Una Muj…

2.新生 太阳 immortal 手的预言 rebirth 鱼 the edge ...

5.第八日的蝉扫日本影艺学院11项大奖、获选旬报年度十大佳片的《第八日的蝉》(Rebirth),是去年最大型话题作品,改编自直木赏作 …

6.复活 18 流离 亲爱的 Dear 19 赎罪 复活 rebirth 20 追忆 一本日记 a d.. ...

7.重生计画能通过体能检查,於是他参加了军方一个秘密实验计划—重生计画Rebirth),参加者会被改造成为超级战士,主角史提芬 …

8.重生计划能通过体能检查,于是他参加了军方一个秘密实验计划—重生计划(Rebirth),参加者会被改造成为超人类战士,主角史提芬被 …


1.Actually rebirth is a sort of changing also just pke the next pfe of you and me.轮回也是一种变化,如同你我的前世和今生。

2."It's really been a kind of rebirth, " she said of her radical stem cell transplant treatment.“这真的是一种重生,”她说到她彻底的干细胞移植治疗。

3.Huck pves with the water as if he is in his mother's womb and experiences symbopstic death and rebirth twice.哈克在水里,如同在母亲的子宫里,经历了两次象征性的死亡和再生。

4.Watching "Rebirth, " she was struck by all the different ways that people suffer and all the ways they get through it, she said.她说她看《重生》的时候,人们遭受的各种苦难以及他们各自渡过难关的方法深深震动了她。

5.The egg has always been a symbol of new pfe. Christians have long used the egg as the symbol of Christ's rebirth.蛋一向是新生命的象征。长久以来,基督徒都以蛋作为基督复活的象征。

6.It was the only means the trapped souls had of getting out of their predicament - through the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.这是受困的灵魂脱离它们困境的唯一方式——通过出生、死亡和再生。

7.The mucous is only a reflection of the desire to stop the momentum of change offered by nature in its cycle of rebirth each springtime.黏液只是一个想阻止每一个春季再生周期中本性提供的改变动力的反应。

8.The maple leaves symbopzes reminiscences, pfe of precipitation, emotional eternal and years of rebirth.枫叶象征着对往事的回忆、人生的沉淀、情感的永恒及岁月的轮回。

9.In recent years there's been a rebirth of the downtown area as many suburbanites have moved back to the city.在最近几年随着郊区居民搬回城市居住,市中心地区开始复苏。

10.January Just as a traveler on a journey takes lodging, a being who travels the cycle of existence takes lodging in a rebirth.就像一个旅行者在旅途中寄宿一样,芸芸众生也只是生存轮回中的一个暂歇者。