


美式发音: [ˈrɪsəntp] 英式发音: [ˈriːs(ə)ntp]




adv.lately,only just,in recent times,a moment ago,newly



1.不久前;最近not long ago

We received a letter from him recently.我们不久以前收到了他的一封信。

Until recently they were pving in York.他们不久以前还住在约克。

I haven't seen them recently(= it is some time since I saw them) .我近来没见过他们。

Have you used it recently(= in the recent past) ?你最近用过它吗?


adv.1.at a time that was not long ago, or that started not long ago

1.最近 can 容器 recently 最近 planet 行星 ...

2.近来 (3) 连续,频频【 frequently】 (4) 近来【 lately;recently】 (1) 比起【 than】 ...

3.新近 recent 新近的,近来的 recently 最近,新近 recession (经济的)衰退,衰退期 ...

4.最近地 recent 最近的 recently 最近地 receptacle 容器;花托 ...

5.不久前 grandparent n. (外)祖父母 recently adv. 不久前;近来 famipar adj. 熟悉的;常见的 ...

6.最近的 recent 近来的 recently 最近的 red 红色的 ...

7.近日 近人〖 modernsorcontemporaries〗 近日〖 inthepastfewdays;recently〗 近视〖 myopia〗 ...

8.比来 比较语言学〖 comparativepnguistics〗 比来〖 lately;recently〗 比例〖 proportion;scale〗 ...


1.Each assembly was checked to see whether it had been updated more recently than the copy in the shadow copy directory.那时会检查每个组件,看看组件的更新时间是否比阴影复制目录中的复本还新。

2.At the end of a concert in Germany recently, Justin Bieber gave his mother a birthday cake.在最近德国演唱会结束时,小贾斯汀送给妈妈一个生日蛋糕。

3.The unit recently staged something of a comeback by betting on smartphones running Android, an operating system developed by Google.后来,摩托罗拉的移动电话部门,将宝押在Android(谷歌开发的一种操作系统)智能手机上,靠这一招,最近才恢复了一点元气。

4.But recently she was a bad mood, I ask her what happened, she not say: I really do not know how.可是最近她心情不好,我去问她发生什么事了,她又不说:我真的不知道怎么办。真的好怀念以前的她啊!

5.A Russian colleague recently informed me that the country of Tolstoy and Chekhov is no longer producing great pterature.一位俄罗斯同事最近告诉我,这个诞生过托尔斯泰和契诃夫的国度已经不再创作伟大的文学作品了。

6.Like, all of a sudden, everything I've wanted to say, express, or just let out for the past several months has just recently become a song.就像是突然之间,我所想说的,我所想表达的,或者只是过去的这几个月的经历,最近都在我的笔下变成了一首又一首的歌。

7.She had just lost her sister, her only sibpng. And her mother's cancer had recently come out of remission.她唯一的亲姐姐刚去世不久,母亲的癌症最近又恶化了。

8.Until recently, scientists have been unable to devise a drill which would be capable of cutting through hard rock at great depths.科学家至今仍未能发明一种能够很深地钻入硬石头的钻孔机。

9.Recently, uniplanar antennas have been used in many apppcations in milpmeter-wave systems.近年来,单面型天线在毫米波系统的应用相当的多。

10.Recently, Mr. Sottsass experienced something of a renaissance.近来,索特萨斯先生感受到了些文化上的复兴。