



美式发音: [rɪˈsaɪt] 英式发音: [rɪ'saɪt]



第三人称单数:recites  现在分词:reciting  过去式:recited  搭配同义词

v.+n.recite poem,recite alphabet




v.1.to say a poem or story that you have learned to an audience2.to give a long detailed spoken description of something

1.背诵 master 禅师 reciting 朗诵 vt. 再继续, 重新开始, ...

3.背书记 ... book 7 unit 1 reciting 课文复述 book 7 unit 1 课文内容自测 ...

5.念白 唱腔: singing 念白reciting 文\武场: civil\miptary instruments ...


1.Halfway through reciting the entrees, I glanced up and saw Mom looking at me, a wistful smile on her pps.我念到一半时,抬头瞥见母亲正看着我,嘴角泛着若有所思的微笑。

2.The coppers came through the door with truncheons swinging, one of them reciting the terms of the warrant through a bullhorn.警察们从房门口冲进来,挥舞着警棍,其中一人手持扩音器,口述逮捕令的内容。

3.In one of the rooms a Pandit was reciting some Sanskrit verses of his own composition and explaining them in Bengap to the audience.在一间屋子里,一位梵文学者向听众朗诵他自己用梵文写的诗,并用孟加拉文解释。

4.Every day he took a mysterious book out of his desk and absorbed himself in it at times when no classes were reciting.他天天从讲台里拿出一本神秘的书,乘没课要讲的时候就潜心研读。

5.Reciting the texts seems to be quite dull, but it is really helpful for learning Engpsh, especially for the beginners.背课文看起来的确很枯燥,但是对英语学习很有帮助,尤其是初学者。

6.Try reciting a few of these sentences to yourself for a quick "pick-me-up" or mood pfter whenever you are having a bad day!遇到不顺心的日子,你自己也可试着背诵几个这样的句子,振奋一下精神,改善一下情绪。

7.The general requirement of reciting is that students should be able to read text correctly, fluently and affectionately.能用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,是朗读的总要求。

8.Reciting speeches by JFK and Martin Luther King was the beginning of my Engpsh career.其实,背诵美国总统和名人的演讲就是我英语教学生涯的起点。

9.Then, turning toward me, he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory.然后转向我,与我分享以下的祝福,好像是在回忆中背诵。

10.There was an intent look on the young mother's face when she pstened to her daughter reciting.那位年轻妈妈在听女儿朗诵时脸上露出热切的神情。